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Quotes from Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens
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 Current Search - Have in Oliver Twist
1  'Have another,' said Charlotte.
Oliver Twist By Charles Dickens
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER XXVII
2  'Have it your own way,' rejoined the girl, affecting to laugh.
Oliver Twist By Charles Dickens
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER XX
3  'Have the goodness to look at me,' said Mr. Bumble, fixing his eyes upon her.
Oliver Twist By Charles Dickens
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER XXXVII
4  'I beg your worship's pardon,' said Mr. Bumble, incredulous of having heard aright.
Oliver Twist By Charles Dickens
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER III
5  Oliver having 'caught it,' in fulfilment of Noah's prediction, followed that young gentleman down the stairs to breakfast.
Oliver Twist By Charles Dickens
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER V
6  The gentleman with the white waistcoat was standing at the gate with his hands behind him, after having delivered himself of some profound sentiments in the board-room.
Oliver Twist By Charles Dickens
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER III
7  It had had plenty of room to expand, thanks to the spare diet of the establishment; and perhaps to this circumstance may be attributed his having any ninth birth-day at all.
Oliver Twist By Charles Dickens
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER II
8  Not having a very clearly defined notion of what a live board was, Oliver was rather astounded by this intelligence, and was not quite certain whether he ought to laugh or cry.
Oliver Twist By Charles Dickens
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER II
9  And the cocked hat and cane having been, by this time, adjusted to their owner's satisfaction, Mr. Bumble and Noah Claypole betook themselves with all speed to the undertaker's shop.
Oliver Twist By Charles Dickens
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER VII
10  The medical gentleman walked away to dinner; and the nurse, having once more applied herself to the green bottle, sat down on a low chair before the fire, and proceeded to dress the infant.
Oliver Twist By Charles Dickens
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER I
11  An old black cloak had been thrown over the rags of the old woman and the man; and the bare coffin having been screwed down, was hoisted on the shoulders of the bearers, and carried into the street.
Oliver Twist By Charles Dickens
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER V
12  Oliver, having had by this time as much of the outer coat of dirt which encrusted his face and hands, removed, as could be scrubbed off in one washing, was led into the room by his benevolent protectress.
Oliver Twist By Charles Dickens
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER II
13  Oliver's offence having been explained to him, with such exaggerations as the ladies thought best calculated to rouse his ire, he unlocked the cellar-door in a twinkling, and dragged his rebellious apprentice out, by the collar.
Oliver Twist By Charles Dickens
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER VII
14  Mr. Bumble then thrashed a boy or two, to keep up appearances; and the reverend gentleman, having read as much of the burial service as could be compressed into four minutes, gave his surplice to the clerk, and walked away again.
Oliver Twist By Charles Dickens
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER V
15  Mr. Gamfield having lingered behind, to give the donkey another blow on the head, and another wrench of the jaw, as a caution not to run away in his absence, followed the gentleman with the white waistcoat into the room where Oliver had first seen him.
Oliver Twist By Charles Dickens
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER III
16  As Mr. Gamfield did happen to labour under the slight imputation of having bruised three or four boys to death already, it occurred to him that the board had, perhaps, in some unaccountable freak, taken it into their heads that this extraneous circumstance ought to influence their proceedings.
Oliver Twist By Charles Dickens
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER III
17  Oliver, having taken down the shutters, and broken a pane of glass in his effort to stagger away beneath the weight of the first one to a small court at the side of the house in which they were kept during the day, was graciously assisted by Noah: who having consoled him with the assurance that 'he'd catch it,' condescended to help him.
Oliver Twist By Charles Dickens
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER V
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