1 His expression was droll; it dismissed me lightly.
2 A lighted lantern was kept hanging over Mr. Shimerda's head.
3 There were no other lights burning downtown after nine o'clock.
4 I was left alone with this new feeling of lightness and content.
5 A lighted lantern, hung over the stove, threw out a feeble yellow glimmer.
6 On winter nights, the lights in the Harlings' windows drew me like the painted glass.
7 I couldn't see any town, or even distant lights; we were surrounded by utter darkness.
8 At nine o'clock Mr. Shimerda lighted one of our lanterns and put on his overcoat and fur collar.
9 He liked theatres and lighted streets and music and a game of dominoes after the day's work was over.
10 Sometimes I went with her; the moment the lighted tent came into view she would break into a run, like a boy.
11 The parlour, the back parlour, and the dining-room were warm and brightly lighted, with comfortable chairs and sofas, and gay pictures on the walls.
12 On Tuesday nights the Owl Club danced; then there was a little stir in the streets, and here and there one could see a lighted window until midnight.
13 As he glanced at me, his face dimpled with a seizure of irrelevant merriment, and he shot up the windmill tower with a lightness that struck me as disdainful.
14 He seemed to us an experienced and worldly man who had been almost everywhere; in his conversation he threw out lightly the names of distant states and cities.
15 The sun was gone; the frozen streets stretched long and blue before me; the lights were shining pale in kitchen windows, and I could smell the suppers cooking as I passed.
16 Without knowing why, we used to linger on the sidewalk outside the church when the lamps were lighted early for choir practice or prayer-meeting, shivering and talking until our feet were like lumps of ice.
17 I shall never forget his face as it looked one night when he told me about the solitary day he spent among the sea temples at Paestum: the soft wind blowing through the roofless columns, the birds flying low over the flowering marsh grasses, the changing lights on the silver, cloud-hung mountains.
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