1 I'll look in again, as I come down, Mrs. Maylie.
2 'Nobody suspected them, in this case,' said Mrs. Maylie.
3 Mrs. Maylie being fatigued, they returned more slowly home.
4 When morning came, Mrs. Maylie's predictions were but too well verified.
5 'Unless there is some other way of preserving the child,' replied Mrs. Maylie.
6 'This is the lady of the house,' said Mr. Losberne, motioning towards Mrs. Maylie.
7 This interesting communication was addressed to Mrs. Maylie, who received it very graciously.
8 One morning he and Mr. Losberne set out, accordingly, in a little carriage which belonged to Mrs. Maylie.
9 'This is a very extraordinary thing, Mrs. Maylie,' said the doctor, standing with his back to the door, as if to keep it shut.
10 Meanwhile, Oliver gradually throve and prospered under the united care of Mrs. Maylie, Rose, and the kind-hearted Mr. Losberne.
11 Meanwhile, the doctor walked up and down the next room in a very uneasy state; and Mrs. Maylie and Rose looked on, with anxious faces.
12 Oliver was surprised to see that as Mrs. Maylie said these words, she checked her lamentations as though by one effort; and drawing herself up as she spoke, became composed and firm.
13 There was fresh groundsel, too, for Miss Maylie's birds, with which Oliver, who had been studying the subject under the able tuition of the village clerk, would decorate the cages, in the most approved taste.
14 We must be active, Oliver, and not give way to useless grief,' said Mrs. Maylie, laying her finger on her lip, as she looked steadily into his face; 'this letter must be sent, with all possible expedition, to Mr. Losberne.
15 Then, he would walk with Mrs. Maylie and Rose, and hear them talk of books; or perhaps sit near them, in some shady place, and listen whilst the young lady read: which he could have done, until it grew too dark to see the letters.
16 With many loquacious assurances that they would be agreeably surprised in the aspect of the criminal, the doctor drew the young lady's arm through one of his; and offering his disengaged hand to Mrs. Maylie, led them, with much ceremony and stateliness, upstairs.
17 He was still more astonished to find that this firmness lasted; and that, under all the care and watching which ensued, Mrs. Maylie was ever ready and collected: performing all the duties which had devolved upon her, steadily, and, to all external appearances, even cheerfully.
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