1 I never saw so many pretty girls.
2 We never even saw any of Tony's pretty dresses.
My Antonia By Willa CatherContextHighlight In BOOK 4. The Pioneer Woman's Story: III 3 Yes, the babies came along pretty fast, to be sure.
4 The babies come along pretty fast, so it look like it be hard to move, anyhow.
5 Pretty soon the fat steers took it up and began butting and horning each other.
6 Mrs. Thomas says she thinks I can move to some other town pretty soon, and go into business for myself.
7 I admitted it was no wonder Ole liked to look at a pretty girl once in a while, with such a fright at home.
8 By the time we saw grandfather coming home from church, we had told them pretty much all we knew of the Shimerdas.
9 When she first came to this country, Frances, and had that genteel old man to watch over her, she was as pretty a girl as ever I saw.
10 She lost three toes from one of those pretty little feet that used to trip about Black Hawk in pointed slippers and striped stockings.
My Antonia By Willa CatherContextHighlight In BOOK 4. The Pioneer Woman's Story: I 11 Some of the high-school girls were jolly and pretty, but they stayed indoors in winter because of the cold, and in summer because of the heat.
12 'It was a pretty hard job, breaking up this place and making the first crops grow,' he said, pushing back his hat and scratching his grizzled hair.
13 While they were playing, little Nina got up from her corner, came out into the middle of the floor, and began to do a pretty little dance on the boards with her bare feet.
14 She looked demure and pretty, and made a graceful picture in her blue cashmere dress and little blue hat, with a plaid shawl drawn neatly about her shoulders and a clumsy pocket-book in her hand.
15 Lena was never so pretty as in the morning; she wakened fresh with the world every day, and her eyes had a deeper colour then, like the blue flowers that are never so blue as when they first open.
16 Once, while he was looking at Antonia, he sighed and told us that if he had stayed at home in Russia perhaps by this time he would have had a pretty daughter of his own to cook and keep house for him.
17 His girls never looked so pretty at the dances as they did standing by the ironing-board, or over the tubs, washing the fine pieces, their white arms and throats bare, their cheeks bright as the brightest wild roses, their gold hair moist with the steam or the heat and curling in little damp spirals about their ears.
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