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5 eventually tried to stop her by taking hold of one hand, and after some resistance Leni let him keep hold of it.
The TrialBy Franz Kafka ContextHighlight In Chapter Eight Block, the businessman - Dismissing the ...
6 pulling at the handle which, as he noticed from the resistance, was being held tightly by the girls on the other side.
The TrialBy Franz Kafka ContextHighlight In Chapter Seven Lawyer - Manufacturer - Painter
7 I don't know whether the sign is meant to produce booing or applause, but I'll resist trying to guess what its meaning is too soon.
The TrialBy Franz Kafka ContextHighlight In Chapter Two First Cross-examination
8 There would be nothing heroic about it if he resisted, if he now caused trouble for these gentlemen, if in defending himself he sought to enjoy his last glimmer of life.
9 One lawyer after another was sent out to run up the steps and let himself be thrown down again, offering what resistance he could as long as it was passive resistance, and his colleagues would catch him at the bottom of the steps.
The TrialBy Franz Kafka ContextHighlight In Chapter Seven Lawyer - Manufacturer - Painter
10 He had spent half the night studying a book of Italian grammar so that he would be somewhat prepared and was very tired; his desk was less attractive to him than the window where he had spent far too much time sitting of late, but he resisted the temptation and sat down to his work.
The TrialBy Franz Kafka ContextHighlight In Chapter Nine In the Cathedral