1 Now you've started telling me off.
The Trial By Franz KafkaContextHighlight In Chapter One Arrest - Conversation with Mrs. Grubach - ... 2 When he started talking on in this way the lawyer was quite tireless.
The Trial By Franz KafkaContextHighlight In Chapter Seven Lawyer - Manufacturer - Painter 3 In fact he became quite cross when I started to talk about Block to him.
The Trial By Franz KafkaContextHighlight In Chapter Eight Block, the businessman - Dismissing the ... 4 sufficiently, he usually started something that would raise his spirits again.
The Trial By Franz KafkaContextHighlight In Chapter Seven Lawyer - Manufacturer - Painter 5 This judge, for instance, sees proceedings as starting at a different point from where I do.
The Trial By Franz KafkaContextHighlight In Chapter Eight Block, the businessman - Dismissing the ... 6 But of course, it became impossible for him to do anything as soon as Franz started screaming.
7 He started walking, which pleased the gentlemen and some of their pleasure conveyed itself to him.
8 And when you think that there's a lot of washing put out to dry here as well - and we can't stop the tenants doing that - it's not surprising you started to feel unwell.
The Trial By Franz KafkaContextHighlight In Chapter Three In the empty Courtroom - The Student - The ... 9 Everyone had gone, but the examining judge, he stayed in the hall, I had to bring him a lamp in, all I had was a little kitchen lamp but he was very satisfied with it and started to write straight away.
The Trial By Franz KafkaContextHighlight In Chapter Three In the empty Courtroom - The Student - The ... 10 When the lawyer started speaking Block had stopped looking at the bed but stared rather into one of the corners, just listening, as if the light from the speaker were brighter than Block could bear to look at.
The Trial By Franz KafkaContextHighlight In Chapter Eight Block, the businessman - Dismissing the ... 11 Only, one time these visits became a bit too frequent, I began to tell him off for it, we started talking and I became interested how it was that he could earn a living just by painting, and then I learned to my amazement that his main source of income was painting portraits.
The Trial By Franz KafkaContextHighlight In Chapter Seven Lawyer - Manufacturer - Painter 12 There was only enough space available to put two cupboards at an angle in the corner by the door, and the rest of the room was entirely taken up with the long dining table which started by the door and reached all the way to the great window, which was thus made almost inaccessible.
13 I don't know how you mean," said the businessman, "he's been my business lawyer - I buy and sell cereals - he's been my business lawyer since I took the business over, and that's about twenty years now, but perhaps you mean my own trial and he's been representing me in that since it started, and that's been more than five years.
The Trial By Franz KafkaContextHighlight In Chapter Eight Block, the businessman - Dismissing the ...