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Quotes from Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
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 Current Search - as in Uncle Tom's Cabin
1  There needed only a glance from the child to her, to identify her as its mother.
Uncle Tom's Cabin By Harriet Beecher Stowe
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER I
2  "You mean honest, as niggers go," said Haley, helping himself to a glass of brandy.
Uncle Tom's Cabin By Harriet Beecher Stowe
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER I
3  They are mighty onpleasant; but, as I manages business, I generally avoids 'em, sir.'
Uncle Tom's Cabin By Harriet Beecher Stowe
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER I
4  I knew a real handsome gal once, in Orleans, as was entirely ruined by this sort o handling.
Uncle Tom's Cabin By Harriet Beecher Stowe
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER I
5  Eliza had been brought up by her mistress, from girlhood, as a petted and indulged favorite.
Uncle Tom's Cabin By Harriet Beecher Stowe
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER II
6  Eliza, such as we have described her, is not a fancy sketch, but taken from remembrance, as we saw her, years ago, in Kentucky.
Uncle Tom's Cabin By Harriet Beecher Stowe
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER II
7  Tan't, you know, as if it was white folks, that's brought up in the way of 'spectin' to keep their children and wives, and all that.
Uncle Tom's Cabin By Harriet Beecher Stowe
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER I
8  She would gladly have stopped at the door to listen, as she came out; but her mistress just then calling, she was obliged to hasten away.
Uncle Tom's Cabin By Harriet Beecher Stowe
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER I
9  I'm in a devil of a hurry, and shall want to know, as soon as possible, what I may depend on, said he, rising and putting on his overcoat.
Uncle Tom's Cabin By Harriet Beecher Stowe
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER I
10  Reassured by her mistress' confident tone, Eliza proceeded nimbly and adroitly with her toilet, laughing at her own fears, as she proceeded.
Uncle Tom's Cabin By Harriet Beecher Stowe
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER I
11  The brown of her complexion gave way on the cheek to a perceptible flush, which deepened as she saw the gaze of the strange man fixed upon her in bold and undisguised admiration.
Uncle Tom's Cabin By Harriet Beecher Stowe
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER I
12  He had invented a machine for the cleaning of the hemp, which, considering the education and circumstances of the inventor, displayed quite as much mechanical genius as Whitney's cotton-gin.
Uncle Tom's Cabin By Harriet Beecher Stowe
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER II
13  I'd like to have been able to kick the fellow down the steps," said he to himself, as he saw the door fairly closed, "with his impudent assurance; but he knows how much he has me at advantage.
Uncle Tom's Cabin By Harriet Beecher Stowe
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER I
14  The subject appeared to interest the gentleman deeply; for while Mr. Shelby was thoughtfully peeling an orange, Haley broke out afresh, with becoming diffidence, but as if actually driven by the force of truth to say a few words more.
Uncle Tom's Cabin By Harriet Beecher Stowe
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER I
15  His black hair, fine as floss silk, hung in glossy curls about his round, dimpled face, while a pair of large dark eyes, full of fire and softness, looked out from beneath the rich, long lashes, as he peered curiously into the apartment.
Uncle Tom's Cabin By Harriet Beecher Stowe
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER I
16  To that natural magnanimity and generosity of mind which one often marks as characteristic of the women of Kentucky, she added high moral and religious sensibility and principle, carried out with great energy and ability into practical results.
Uncle Tom's Cabin By Harriet Beecher Stowe
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER I
17  Instantly the flexible limbs of the child assumed the appearance of deformity and distortion, as, with his back humped up, and his master's stick in his hand, he hobbled about the room, his childish face drawn into a doleful pucker, and spitting from right to left, in imitation of an old man.
Uncle Tom's Cabin By Harriet Beecher Stowe
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER I
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