1 It was between pretty and beautiful.
Return of the Native By Thomas HardyContextHighlight In BOOK 1: 4 The Halt on the Turnpike Road 2 A beauty, with a white face and a mane as black as night.
Return of the Native By Thomas HardyContextHighlight In BOOK 4: 3 She Goes Out to Battle against Depression 3 There is a sort of beauty in the scenery, I know; but it is a jail to me.
Return of the Native By Thomas HardyContextHighlight In BOOK 1: 10 A Desperate Attempt at Persuasion 4 To an onlooker her beauty would have made her feelings almost seem reasonable.
Return of the Native By Thomas HardyContextHighlight In BOOK 4: 3 She Goes Out to Battle against Depression 5 There was a certain obscurity in Eustacia's beauty, and Venn's eye was not trained.
Return of the Native By Thomas HardyContextHighlight In BOOK 1: 10 A Desperate Attempt at Persuasion 6 "Nothing can embellish a beautiful face more than a narrow band drawn over the brow," says Richter.
Return of the Native By Thomas HardyContextHighlight In BOOK 1: 7 Queen of Night 7 Indeed, it is a question if the exclusive reign of this orthodox beauty is not approaching its last quarter.
Return of the Native By Thomas HardyContextHighlight In BOOK 1: 1 A Face on Which Time Makes but Little Impression 8 Venn passed on through these towards the house of the isolated beauty who lived up among them and despised them.
Return of the Native By Thomas HardyContextHighlight In BOOK 1: 10 A Desperate Attempt at Persuasion 9 Thus as his sight grew accustomed to the first blinding halo kindled about him by love and beauty, Yeobright began to perceive what a strait he was in.
Return of the Native By Thomas HardyContextHighlight In BOOK 3: 4 An Hour of Bliss and Many Hours of Sadness 10 Haggard Egdon appealed to a subtler and scarcer instinct, to a more recently learnt emotion, than that which responds to the sort of beauty called charming and fair.
Return of the Native By Thomas HardyContextHighlight In BOOK 1: 1 A Face on Which Time Makes but Little Impression 11 Her appearance accorded well with this smouldering rebelliousness, and the shady splendour of her beauty was the real surface of the sad and stifled warmth within her.
Return of the Native By Thomas HardyContextHighlight In BOOK 1: 7 Queen of Night 12 It did not occur to his mind that Eustacia's love signal to Wildeve was the tender effect upon the deserted beauty of the intelligence which her grandfather had brought home.
Return of the Native By Thomas HardyContextHighlight In BOOK 1: 9 Love Leads a Shrewd Man into Strategy 13 As he watched, the dead flat of the scenery overpowered him, though he was fully alive to the beauty of that untarnished early summer green which was worn for the nonce by the poorest blade.
Return of the Native By Thomas HardyContextHighlight In BOOK 3: 5 Sharp Words Are Spoken, and a Crisis Ensues 14 The beauty here visible would in no long time be ruthlessly over-run by its parasite, thought, which might just as well have fed upon a plainer exterior where there was nothing it could harm.
Return of the Native By Thomas HardyContextHighlight In BOOK 2: 6 The Two Stand Face to Face 15 He already showed that thought is a disease of flesh, and indirectly bore evidence that ideal physical beauty is incompatible with emotional development and a full recognition of the coil of things.
Return of the Native By Thomas HardyContextHighlight In BOOK 2: 6 The Two Stand Face to Face 16 That Royal port and watering place, if truly mirrored in the minds of the heathfolk, must have combined, in a charming and indescribable manner a Carthaginian bustle of building with Tarentine luxuriousness and Baian health and beauty.
Return of the Native By Thomas HardyContextHighlight In BOOK 1: 10 A Desperate Attempt at Persuasion 17 The qualifications which frequently invest the facade of a prison with far more dignity than is found in the facade of a palace double its size lent to this heath a sublimity in which spots renowned for beauty of the accepted kind are utterly wanting.
Return of the Native By Thomas HardyContextHighlight In BOOK 1: 1 A Face on Which Time Makes but Little Impression Your search result may include more than 17 sentences. If you upgrade to a VIP account, you will see up to 500 sentences for one search.