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Quotes from The Trial by Franz Kafka
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 Current Search - began in The Trial
1  Once more, he began to feel resentment.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter Seven Lawyer - Manufacturer - Painter
2  On the first floor, his search began for real.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter Two First Cross-examination
3  now began to speak he was convinced he was doing it in the same way as them.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter Two First Cross-examination
4  began to scowl, this supposed trustee of the court was talking like an ignorant child.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter Seven Lawyer - Manufacturer - Painter
5  began to shout, and in that way confused him or, to some extent, brought him to his senses.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter One Arrest - Conversation with Mrs. Grubach - ...
6  Just then, a gramophone, which in better parts of town would have been seen as worn out, began to play some murderous tune.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter Two First Cross-examination
7  I began to worry he might be disturbing you when I had to let him live in the living room next to you over the last few days.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter Four Miss Bürstner's Friend
8  Soon after, he began to wonder whether he had not seen the office director somewhere before, perhaps among the people who were at his first hearing.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter Six K.'s uncle - Leni
9  now began to find it far easier to believe what the painter was saying, or rather it was largely in agreement with what he had also been told by others.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter Seven Lawyer - Manufacturer - Painter
10  Behind him, the noise of the assembly rose as it became lively once more and probably began to discuss these events as if making a scientific study of them.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter Two First Cross-examination
11  , and he began to feel relaxed now that, at last, he stood in front of someone with some sense, someone with whom he would be able to talk about his situation.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter One Arrest - Conversation with Mrs. Grubach - ...
12  So he bent his head as if he'd been given an order and began slowly to move his pencil over the papers, now and then he would stop and stare at one of the figures.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter Seven Lawyer - Manufacturer - Painter
13  He began to walk up and down the room between the window and the door, thus depriving Mrs. Grubach of the chance to leave, which she otherwise probably would have done.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter Four Miss Bürstner's Friend
14  Once he had settled his thoughts towards the woman in this way, he began to find the quiet conversation at the window was taking too long, he rapped on the podium with his knuckles, and then even with his fist.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter Three In the empty Courtroom - The Student - The ...
15  He opened the wardrobe himself, spent a long time searching through all the clothes, and chose his best black suit which had a short jacket that had greatly surprised those who knew him, then he also pulled out a fresh shirt and began, carefully, to get dressed.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter One Arrest - Conversation with Mrs. Grubach - ...
16  thought him of any importance but it did raise his spirits; he no longer thought it at all necessary that all of those in the hall should applaud him, it was enough if the majority of them began to think about the matter and if only one of them, now and then, was persuaded.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter Two First Cross-examination
17  Only, one time these visits became a bit too frequent, I began to tell him off for it, we started talking and I became interested how it was that he could earn a living just by painting, and then I learned to my amazement that his main source of income was painting portraits.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter Seven Lawyer - Manufacturer - Painter
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