1 We did our best to dissuade Jake.
2 'And I love him the best,' she whispered.
3 Next to Charley, I think she loved Nina best.
4 The Vannis often said that Antonia was the best dancer of them all.
5 Mary Svoboda's the best butter-maker in all this country, and a fine manager.
6 This is no time to be over-considerate of animals, Otto; do the best you can for yourself.
7 The mother did her best, but no woman, out of her natural resources, could feed three babies.
8 It opened with the melancholy reflection that, in the lives of mortals the best days are the first to flee.
9 On the grey gelding, our best horse, he would try to pick his way across the country with no roads to guide him.
10 Frances taught us to dance that winter, and she said, from the first lesson, that Antonia would make the best dancer among us.
11 JULY CAME ON with that breathless, brilliant heat which makes the plains of Kansas and Nebraska the best corn country in the world.
12 He studied them seriously, while Lena looked over his shoulder, telling him she thought the red letters would hold their colour best.
13 Mrs. Gardener was admittedly the best-dressed woman in Black Hawk, drove the best horse, and had a smart trap and a little white-and-gold sleigh.
14 The Boys' Home was the best hotel on our branch of the Burlington, and all the commercial travellers in that territory tried to get into Black Hawk for Sunday.
15 The Black Hawk boys looked forward to marrying Black Hawk girls, and living in a brand-new little house with best chairs that must not be sat upon, and hand-painted china that must not be used.
16 To-day the best that a harassed Black Hawk merchant can hope for is to sell provisions and farm machinery and automobiles to the rich farms where that first crop of stalwart Bohemian and Scandinavian girls are now the mistresses.