BLUE in Classic Quotes

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Quotes from Moby Dick by Herman Melville
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 Current Search - blue in Moby Dick
1  Deep into distant woodlands winds a mazy way, reaching to overlapping spurs of mountains bathed in their hill-side blue.
Moby Dick By Herman Melville
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 1. Loomings.
2  The whales had irregularly settled bodily down into the blue, thus giving no distantly discernible token of the movement, though from his closer vicinity Ahab had observed it.
Moby Dick By Herman Melville
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 48. The First Lowering.
3  It was a beautiful, bounteous, blue day; the spangled sea calm and cool, and flatly stretching away, all round, to the horizon, like gold-beater's skin hammered out to the extremest.
Moby Dick By Herman Melville
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 93. The Castaway.
4  whales, with dromedary humps, and very savage; breakfasting on three or four sailor tarts, that is whaleboats full of mariners: their deformities floundering in seas of blood and blue paint.
Moby Dick By Herman Melville
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 55. Of the Monstrous Pictures of Whales.
5  But what most puzzled and confounded you was a long, limber, portentous, black mass of something hovering in the centre of the picture over three blue, dim, perpendicular lines floating in a nameless yeast.
Moby Dick By Herman Melville
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 3. The Spouter-Inn.
6  With our shaggy jackets drawn about our shoulders, we now passed the Tomahawk from one to the other, till slowly there grew over us a blue hanging tester of smoke, illuminated by the flame of the new-lit lamp.
Moby Dick By Herman Melville
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 11. Nightgown.
7  An instant before, Stubb had swiftly caught two additional turns with it round the loggerhead, whence, by reason of its increased rapid circlings, a hempen blue smoke now jetted up and mingled with the steady fumes from his pipe.
Moby Dick By Herman Melville
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 61. Stubb Kills a Whale.
8  The parted mouth of Tashtego revealed his shark-white teeth, which strangely gleamed as if they too had been tipped by corpusants; while lit up by the preternatural light, Queequeg's tattooing burned like Satanic blue flames on his body.
Moby Dick By Herman Melville
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 119. The Candles.
9  The long-drawn virgin vales; the mild blue hill-sides; as over these there steals the hush, the hum; you almost swear that play-wearied children lie sleeping in these solitudes, in some glad May-time, when the flowers of the woods are plucked.
Moby Dick By Herman Melville
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 114. The Gilder.
10  As morning mowers, who side by side slowly and seethingly advance their scythes through the long wet grass of marshy meads; even so these monsters swam, making a strange, grassy, cutting sound; and leaving behind them endless swaths of blue upon the yellow sea.
Moby Dick By Herman Melville
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 58. Brit.
11  Likewise upon the extreme stern of the boat where it was also triangularly platformed level with the gunwale, Starbuck himself was seen coolly and adroitly balancing himself to the jerking tossings of his chip of a craft, and silently eyeing the vast blue eye of the sea.
Moby Dick By Herman Melville
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 48. The First Lowering.
12  He was a darkly-tanned, burly, good-natured, fine-looking man, of sixty or thereabouts, dressed in a spacious roundabout, that hung round him in festoons of blue pilot-cloth; and one empty arm of this jacket streamed behind him like the broidered arm of a hussar's surcoat.
Moby Dick By Herman Melville
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 100. Leg and Arm.
13  When gliding by the Bashee isles we emerged at last upon the great South Sea; were it not for other things, I could have greeted my dear Pacific with uncounted thanks, for now the long supplication of my youth was answered; that serene ocean rolled eastwards from me a thousand leagues of blue.
Moby Dick By Herman Melville
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 111. The Pacific.
14  His face was an exceedingly round but sober one; he was dressed in a faded blue woollen frock or shirt, and patched trowsers; and had thus far been dividing his attention between a marlingspike he held in one hand, and a pill-box held in the other, occasionally casting a critical glance at the ivory limbs of the two crippled captains.
Moby Dick By Herman Melville
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 100. Leg and Arm.
15  The rest of his body was so streaked, and spotted, and marbled with the same shrouded hue, that, in the end, he had gained his distinctive appellation of the White Whale; a name, indeed, literally justified by his vivid aspect, when seen gliding at high noon through a dark blue sea, leaving a milky-way wake of creamy foam, all spangled with golden gleamings.
Moby Dick By Herman Melville
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 41. Moby Dick.
16  These temporary apprehensions, so vague but so awful, derived a wondrous potency from the contrasting serenity of the weather, in which, beneath all its blue blandness, some thought there lurked a devilish charm, as for days and days we voyaged along, through seas so wearily, lonesomely mild, that all space, in repugnance to our vengeful errand, seemed vacating itself of life before our urn-like prow.
Moby Dick By Herman Melville
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 51. The Spirit-Spout.
17  But one transparent blue morning, when a stillness almost preternatural spread over the sea, however unattended with any stagnant calm; when the long burnished sun-glade on the waters seemed a golden finger laid across them, enjoining some secrecy; when the slippered waves whispered together as they softly ran on; in this profound hush of the visible sphere a strange spectre was seen by Daggoo from the main-mast-head.
Moby Dick By Herman Melville
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 59. Squid.
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