1 The boy had no friends to care for, or to care for him.
2 As soon as the boy begins to harden, she'll care no more for him, than for a block of wood.
3 Mr. Giles, dressed with scrupulous care in a full suit of black, was in attendance upon them.
4 Then, bending over Oliver, he helped to carry him upstairs, with the care and solicitude of a woman.
5 But as Mr. Sikes DID care, on reflection, he dropped his voice as he said the words, and grew calmer.
6 'To the kind gentleman, and the dear old nurse, who took so much care of me before,' rejoined Oliver.
7 Meanwhile, Oliver gradually throve and prospered under the united care of Mrs. Maylie, Rose, and the kind-hearted Mr. Losberne.
8 If he hasn't peached, and is committed, there's no fear till he comes out again,' said Mr. Sikes, 'and then he must be taken care on.
9 It was of little moment, indeed, whether they were intelligible or no; for there was nobody to care for them, had they been ever so plain.
10 It would have been very like a Christian, and a marvellously good Christian too, if Oliver had prayed for the people who fed and took care of him.
11 Long or short,' said the matron, snappishly, 'she won't find me here when she does wake; take care, both of you, how you worry me again for nothing.
12 The fact is all we need care for here; and the fact is, that she suddenly checked herself, and with several gracious smiles upon Mr. Sikes, turned the conversation to other matters.
13 He merely returned their salutations with a wave of his hand, and relaxed not in his dignified pace, until he reached the farm where Mrs. Mann tended the infant paupers with parochial care.
14 The days were peaceful and serene; the nights brought with them neither fear nor care; no languishing in a wretched prison, or associating with wretched men; nothing but pleasant and happy thoughts.
15 Sending the plate, which had so excited Fagin's cupidity, to the banker's; and leaving Giles and another servant in care of the house, they departed to a cottage at some distance in the country, and took Oliver with them.
16 In the morning, Oliver would be a-foot by six o'clock, roaming the fields, and plundering the hedges, far and wide, for nosegays of wild flowers, with which he would return laden, home; and which it took great care and consideration to arrange, to the best advantage, for the embellishment of the breakfast-table.
17 Oliver had not been within the walls of the workhouse a quarter of an hour, and had scarcely completed the demolition of a second slice of bread, when Mr. Bumble, who had handed him over to the care of an old woman, returned; and, telling him it was a board night, informed him that the board had said he was to appear before it forthwith.
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