1 But he only looked down and toyed with his watch chain.
2 She held out for him a massive gold watch, heavily embossed, from which dangled a chain with many fobs and seals.
3 "And I'll give you a chain for it--this one I'm wearing now, if you want it," said Rhett and he was smiling again.
4 Well, you've got him where you want him now, poor devil, as shackled to you by obligations as any of your convicts are by their chains.
5 No one but a gentleman of refinement and thoughtfulness would ever have thought how it broke my heart to-- I'll send my gold chain instead.
6 He had no knowledge of the dawn-till-midnight activities of these women, chained to supervision of cooking, nursing, sewing and laundering.
7 Queer that she should feel nothing now, nothing except a weariness that shackled her limbs with heavy iron chains and a hunger that made her knees tremble.
8 Pork, tiptoeing, reached the ring in the chain and drew the lamp slowly down until the table top was brightly bathed in light and the ceiling receded into shadows.
9 At this realization it was as though chains fell away from her and with them the fear which had haunted her dreams since the night she stumbled to Tara to find the world ended.
10 In the center of the hall the huge ugly lamp, hanging from the ceiling by rusty chains, was completely transformed by twining ivy and wild grapevines that were already withering from the heat.
11 To the ears of the three on the porch came the sounds of hooves, the jingling of harness chains and the shrill careless laughter of negro voices, as the field hands and mules came in from the fields.
12 Scarlett's first thought was one of deep thankfulness that mourning forbade her wearing her precious earbobs and the heavy gold chain that had been Grandma Robillard's and the gold and black enameled bracelets and the garnet brooch.
13 He was bored and obviously at loss for entertainment, for Ella was busy in the corner with her dolls, Scarlett was at her secretary muttering to herself as she added a long column of figures, and Rhett was lying on the floor, swinging his watch by its chain, just out of Bonnie's reach.