1 Sometimes Peter came to church at the sod schoolhouse.
2 But you know how the church people think about saloons.
3 After the ceremony at the church, the party went to a dinner given by the parents of the bride.
4 One of them was admitted, even by the church people, to be as respectable as a saloon could be.
5 He had a good baritone voice and always led the singing when we went to church services at the sod schoolhouse.
6 By the time we saw grandfather coming home from church, we had told them pretty much all we knew of the Shimerdas.
7 He contributed regularly to the Protestant churches, 'for sentiment's sake,' as he said with a flourish of the hand.
8 Crazy Mary darted out from the group of women at the church door, and ran down the road after Lena, shouting horrible threats.
9 There was a burying-ground over by the Norwegian church, west of Squaw Creek; perhaps the Norwegians would take Mr. Shimerda in.
10 The Norwegian preacher's wife went to Lena and told her she ought not to allow this; she begged Lena to come to church on Sundays.
11 He was only twelve, but that winter he had got the job of sweeping out the Norwegian church and making the fire in it every Sunday morning.
12 In the centre of the town there were two rows of new brick 'store' buildings, a brick schoolhouse, the court-house, and four white churches.
13 The officers of the Norwegian church, he told us, had held a meeting and decided that the Norwegian graveyard could not extend its hospitality to Mr. Shimerda.
14 I can remember how glad I was when there happened to be a light in the church, and the painted glass window shone out at us as we came along the frozen street.
15 Grandfather was a deacon in the new Baptist Church, grandmother was busy with church suppers and missionary societies, and I was quite another boy, or thought I was.
16 Without knowing why, we used to linger on the sidewalk outside the church when the lamps were lighted early for choir practice or prayer-meeting, shivering and talking until our feet were like lumps of ice.
17 The next Sunday Lena appeared at church, a little late, with her hair done up neatly on her head, like a young woman, wearing shoes and stockings, and the new dress, which she had made over for herself very becomingly.
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