1 The next time I saw Antonia, she was out in the fields ploughing corn.
My Antonia By Willa CatherContextHighlight In BOOK 4. The Pioneer Woman's Story: III 2 'His sod corn will be good for fodder this winter,' said grandfather encouragingly.
3 The burning sun of those few weeks, with occasional rains at night, secured the corn.
4 On this occasion she asked me very craftily when grandfather expected to begin planting corn.
5 Marek was strong, and Ambrosch worked him hard; but he could never teach him to cultivate corn, I remember.
6 That day the floor was covered with garden things, drying for winter; corn and beans and fat yellow cucumbers.
7 Going out through the tunnel, I gave the hens their corn, emptied the ice from their drinking-pan, and filled it with water.
8 JULY CAME ON with that breathless, brilliant heat which makes the plains of Kansas and Nebraska the best corn country in the world.
9 The cattle in the corral ate corn almost as fast as the men could shell it for them, and we hoped they would be ready for an early market.
10 I told her, adding that he thought we should have a dry spring and that the corn would not be held back by too much rain, as it had been last year.
11 I resumed all my chores, carried in the cobs and wood and water, and spent the afternoons at the barn, watching Jake shell corn with a hand-sheller.
12 Each of the girls pointed out to me the direction in which her father's farm lay, and told me how many acres were in wheat that year and how many in corn.
13 When Ole was cultivating his corn that summer, he used to get discouraged in the field, tie up his team, and wander off to wherever Lena Lingard was herding.
14 It seemed as if we could hear the corn growing in the night; under the stars one caught a faint crackling in the dewy, heavy-odoured cornfields where the feathered stalks stood so juicy and green.
15 When fall came she was to husk corn for the neighbours until Christmas, as she had done the year before; but grandmother saved her from this by getting her a place to work with our neighbours, the Harlings.
16 The men were out in the fields all day, husking corn, and when they came in at noon, with long caps pulled down over their ears and their feet in red-lined overshoes, I used to think they were like Arctic explorers.
17 He said he would have come to see the Shimerdas before, but he had hired out to husk corn all the fall, and since winter began he had been going to the school by the mill, to learn English, along with the little children.
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