DARK in Classic Quotes

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Quotes from Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad
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 Current Search - dark in Heart of Darkness
1  It had become a place of darkness.
Heart of Darkness By Joseph Conrad
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2  They were men enough to face the darkness.
Heart of Darkness By Joseph Conrad
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3  We penetrated deeper and deeper into the heart of darkness.
Heart of Darkness By Joseph Conrad
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4  It had become so pitch dark that we listeners could hardly see one another.
Heart of Darkness By Joseph Conrad
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5  As I approached the glow from the dark I found myself at the back of two men, talking.
Heart of Darkness By Joseph Conrad
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6  To the left a clump of trees made a shady spot, where dark things seemed to stir feebly.
Heart of Darkness By Joseph Conrad
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7  The thing was to know what he belonged to, how many powers of darkness claimed him for their own.
Heart of Darkness By Joseph Conrad
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8  The night was very clear: a dark blue space, sparkling with dew and starlight, in which black things stood very still.
Heart of Darkness By Joseph Conrad
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9  A grand piano stood massively in a corner, with dark gleams on the flat surfaces like a somber and polished sarcophagus.
Heart of Darkness By Joseph Conrad
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10  He sealed the utterance with that smile of his, as though it had been a door opening into a darkness he had in his keeping.
Heart of Darkness By Joseph Conrad
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11  This fair hair, this pale visage, this pure brow, seemed surrounded by an ashy halo from which the dark eyes looked out at me.
Heart of Darkness By Joseph Conrad
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12  A dark figure obscured the lighted doorway of the manager's hut, vanished, then, a second or so after, the doorway itself vanished too.
Heart of Darkness By Joseph Conrad
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13  The air was dark above Gravesend, and farther back still seemed condensed into a mournful gloom, brooding motionless over the biggest, and the greatest, town on earth.
Heart of Darkness By Joseph Conrad
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14  It was as though an animated image of death carved out of old ivory had been shaking its hand with menaces at a motionless crowd of men made of dark and glittering bronze.
Heart of Darkness By Joseph Conrad
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15  Strings of dusty niggers with splay feet arrived and departed; a stream of manufactured goods, rubbishy cottons, beads, and brass-wire set into the depths of darkness, and in return came a precious trickle of ivory.
Heart of Darkness By Joseph Conrad
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16  The manager stood by the wheel murmuring confidentially about the necessity of getting well away down the river before dark at all events, when I saw in the distance a clearing on the river-side and the outlines of some sort of building.
Heart of Darkness By Joseph Conrad
ContextHighlight   In II
17  I looked around, and I don't know why, but I assure you that never, never before, did this land, this river, this jungle, the very arch of this blazing sky, appear to me so hopeless and so dark, so impenetrable to human thought, so pitiless to human weakness.
Heart of Darkness By Joseph Conrad
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