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1 In fact, four years in a backwoods school was all the education he had ever had.
Gone With The WindBy Margaret Mitchell ContextHighlight In CHAPTER XL
2 If the educational equipment which Gerald brought to America was scant, he did not even know it.
Gone With The WindBy Margaret Mitchell ContextHighlight In CHAPTER III
3 Nor did James and Andrew, who took him into their store in Savannah, regret his lack of education.
Gone With The WindBy Margaret Mitchell ContextHighlight In CHAPTER III
4 As he was several cuts above the Slatterys in education, it was only natural that he should not want to marry Emmie, no matter how often he might walk with her in the twilight.
Gone With The WindBy Margaret Mitchell ContextHighlight In CHAPTER IV
5 Despite a succession of governesses and two years at the near-by Fayetteville Female Academy, her education was sketchy, but no girl in the County danced more gracefully than she.
Gone With The WindBy Margaret Mitchell ContextHighlight In CHAPTER III
6 They had sorely missed the excitement of the drills while away, and they counted education well lost if only they could ride and yell and shoot off rifles in the company of their friends.
Gone With The WindBy Margaret Mitchell ContextHighlight In CHAPTER I
7 Everyone thought she had neglected her boy's religious education and thought more of Rhett for trying to rectify the matter, even if he did take the boy to the Episcopal Church instead of the Catholic.
Gone With The WindBy Margaret Mitchell ContextHighlight In CHAPTER LII
8 The more sedate and older sections of the South looked down their noses at the up-country Georgians, but here in north Georgia, a lack of the niceties of classical education carried no shame, provided a man was smart in the things that mattered.
Gone With The WindBy Margaret Mitchell ContextHighlight In CHAPTER I
9 Sometimes at night when he lay awake, wondering how his mother was going to get that operation and how poor dead Joe's little boy was going to get an education and how he was going to get money for another mule, he wished the war was still going on, wished it had gone on forever.
Gone With The WindBy Margaret Mitchell ContextHighlight In CHAPTER XXXIX