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Current Search - expedition in The Last of the Mohicans
1 The act announced that he had assumed the chief authority in the intended expedition.
The Last of the MohicansBy James Fenimore Cooper ContextHighlight In CHAPTER 31
2 In short, the manifestations of zeal and fierce delight were so great and unequivocal, that the expedition was declared to be a war of the nation.
The Last of the MohicansBy James Fenimore Cooper ContextHighlight In CHAPTER 31
3 The warriors had reassembled, and were now calmly smoking, while they conversed gravely on the chief incidents of their recent expedition to the head of the Horican.
The Last of the MohicansBy James Fenimore Cooper ContextHighlight In CHAPTER 24
4 In his eagerness to expedite the pursuit, Uncas had left himself nearly alone; but the moment his eye caught the figure of Le Subtil, every other consideration was forgotten.
The Last of the MohicansBy James Fenimore Cooper ContextHighlight In CHAPTER 32
5 An Indian never starts on such an expedition without smoking over his council-fire; and, though a man of white blood, I honor their customs in this particular, seeing that they are deliberate and wise.
The Last of the MohicansBy James Fenimore Cooper ContextHighlight In CHAPTER 18
6 After which, he spoke of the expedition in which he was himself engaged, and intimated, though with sufficient delicacy and circumlocution, the expediency of bestowing on their relative a portion of that wisdom for which they were so renowned.
The Last of the MohicansBy James Fenimore Cooper ContextHighlight In CHAPTER 27
7 He only knew that they had not engaged in the late expedition against William Henry; that, like the Hurons themselves they were allies of Montcalm; and that they maintained an amicable, though a watchful intercourse with the warlike and savage people whom chance had, for a time, brought in such close and disagreeable contact with themselves.
The Last of the MohicansBy James Fenimore Cooper ContextHighlight In CHAPTER 22