1 He had the gift of simple and moving expression.
2 His expression was droll; it dismissed me lightly.
3 His droll expression seemed to say that he had found the secret of contentment.
4 His eyes followed Peter about the room with a contemptuous, unfriendly expression.
5 After that, I scarcely knew how to put in the time until the night express was due.
6 But Lena had picked up all the conventional expressions she heard at Mrs. Thomas's dressmaking shop.
7 Sometimes in the evening I would find her alone in her work-room, draping folds of satin on a wire figure, with a quite blissful expression of countenance.
8 It was not until nearly nightfall that she discovered she was on the express bound for Kansas City, that her ticket was made out to that point, and that Cutter must have planned it so.
9 If his sisters or their friends happened to be among the onlookers on 'popular nights,' Sylvester stood back in the shadow under the cottonwood trees, smoking and watching Lena with a harassed expression.
10 While grandmother was trying to make me comfortable, grandfather went to the depot and learned that Wick Cutter had come home on the night express from the east, and had left again on the six o'clock train for Denver that morning.
11 They said nothing, but, glancing at me, traced on the glass with their finger-tips the outline of the cherries and strawberries and crabapples within, trying by a blissful expression of countenance to give me some idea of their deliciousness.
12 If Miss d'Arnault stopped practising for a moment and went toward the window, she saw this hideous little pickaninny, dressed in an old piece of sacking, standing in the open space between the hollyhock rows, his body rocking automatically, his blind face lifted to the sun and wearing an expression of idiotic rapture.