1 No,' he said, smiting the table with his fist, 'I do not.
2 The man shook his fist, as he uttered these words incoherently.
3 'She's a honour to her sex,' said Mr. Sikes, filling his glass, and smiting the table with his enormous fist.
4 'Witness you three,' cried the boy shaking his clenched fist, and becoming more and more excited as he spoke.
5 He took the hint at once, for the fist had been too often impressed upon his body not to be deeply impressed upon his recollection.
6 He shook his fist, and would have spat upon them; but his conductors hurried him on, through a gloomy passage lighted by a few dim lamps, into the interior of the prison.
7 Sikes dismounted with great precipitation, holding Oliver by the hand all the while; and lifting him down directly, bestowed a furious look upon him, and rapped the side-pocket with his fist, in a significant manner.
8 Oliver was about to say that he would go along with anybody with great readiness, when, glancing upward, he caught sight of Mrs. Mann, who had got behind the beadle's chair, and was shaking her fist at him with a furious countenance.
9 Charlotte's fist was by no means a light one; but, lest it should not be effectual in calming Oliver's wrath, Mrs. Sowerberry plunged into the kitchen, and assisted to hold him with one hand, while she scratched his face with the other.
10 The Jew thrust his head out of the room door when Sikes had left it; looked after him as we walked up the dark passage; shook his clenched fist; muttered a deep curse; and then, with a horrible grin, reseated himself at the table; where he was soon deeply absorbed in the interesting pages of the Hue-and-Cry.