1 Once, indeed, I did have a friend.
2 Every man has reminiscences which he would not tell to everyone, but only to his friends.
3 I made friends with no one and positively avoided talking, and buried myself more and more in my hole.
4 In the end I could not put up with it: with years a craving for society, for friends, developed in me.
5 "But it's a private thing, between us friends," Ferfitchkin said crossly, as he, too, picked up his hat.
6 No, I'd better sit on to the end," I went on thinking; "you would be pleased, my friends, if I went away.
7 Once I quite made friends with them, visited their homes, played preference, drank vodka, talked of promotions.
8 I warn you that my friend is a compound personality and therefore it is difficult to blame him as an individual.
9 But I could not subjugate all of them; my friend was not at all like them either, he was, in fact, a rare exception.
10 Seeing that I was embarrassed he seriously thought that he ought to be friendly to me, and, so to speak, cheer me up.
11 He has other matters in his mind which he would not reveal even to his friends, but only to himself, and that in secret.
12 There you will be beaten at every turn; that is good manners there, the visitors don't know how to be friendly without beating you.
13 At one time I was unwilling to speak to anyone, while at other times I would not only talk, but go to the length of contemplating making friends with them.
14 I attempted to get on friendly terms with some of my schoolfellows; but somehow or other my intimacy with them was always strained and soon ended of itself.
15 We have met here, a company of friends, for a farewell dinner to a comrade and you carry on an altercation, said Trudolyubov, rudely addressing himself to me alone.
16 He shook hands with me in a friendly, but not over-friendly, fashion, with a sort of circumspect courtesy like that of a General, as though in giving me his hand he were warding off something.
17 I did not, of course, maintain friendly relations with my comrades and soon was at loggerheads with them, and in my youth and inexperience I even gave up bowing to them, as though I had cut off all relations.
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