1 On Sundays she helped her mother make garden or sewed all day.
2 The sun had set when we reached our garden and went down the draw toward the house.
3 When the lesson was over, we used to go up to the watermelon patch behind the garden.
4 When grandmother was ready to go, I said I would like to stay up there in the garden awhile.
5 After he had shown us his garden, Peter trundled a load of watermelons up the hill in his wheelbarrow.
6 That day the floor was covered with garden things, drying for winter; corn and beans and fat yellow cucumbers.
7 Marek was cleaning out the stable, and Antonia and her mother were making garden, off across the pond in the draw-head.
8 As we rode up the draw, we skirted a big melon patch, and a garden where squashes and yellow cucumbers lay about on the sod.
9 Each morning, while the dew was still on the grass, Antonia went with me up to the garden to get early vegetables for dinner.
10 If they could get through until spring came, they would buy a cow and chickens and plant a garden, and would then do very well.
11 I must never go to the garden without a heavy stick or a corn-knife; she had killed a good many rattlers on her way back and forth.
12 The garden, curiously enough, was a quarter of a mile from the house, and the way to it led up a shallow draw past the cattle corral.
13 I sat down in the middle of the garden, where snakes could scarcely approach unseen, and leaned my back against a warm yellow pumpkin.
14 Grandmother made her wear a sunbonnet, but as soon as we reached the garden she threw it on the grass and let her hair fly in the breeze.
15 We were taking them some provisions, as they had come to live on a wild place where there was no garden or chicken-house, and very little broken land.
16 I had seen ice on the little horsepond that morning, and as we went through the garden we found the tall asparagus, with its red berries, lying on the ground, a mass of slimy green.
17 I had almost forgotten that I had a grandmother, when she came out, her sunbonnet on her head, a grain-sack in her hand, and asked me if I did not want to go to the garden with her to dig potatoes for dinner.
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