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Quotes from The Trial by Franz Kafka
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 Current Search - learn in The Trial
1  Proceedings are underway and you'll learn about everything all in good time.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter One Arrest - Conversation with Mrs. Grubach - ...
2  , and did as the lawyer suggested; he was always ready to learn something new.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter Eight Block, the businessman - Dismissing the ...
3  The only right thing to do is to learn how to deal with the situation as it is.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter Seven Lawyer - Manufacturer - Painter
4  It might even be that I learn more than many of those who are in the best of health and spend all day in court.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter Six K.'s uncle - Leni
5  would never learn how the lawyer had taken his dismissal and what its consequences might be, in the lawyer's not unimportant opinion.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter Eight Block, the businessman - Dismissing the ...
6  did not like that, he had begun to learn that the man was of some value after all, he had experience at least, and he was willing to share it.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter Eight Block, the businessman - Dismissing the ...
7  Ever since then I learn something new about the court every time he comes to visit, and so little by little I get to understand something of how it works.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter Seven Lawyer - Manufacturer - Painter
8  You want to learn something about the court, like it says in your letter of recommendation, but then you start talking about my pictures to get me on your side.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter Seven Lawyer - Manufacturer - Painter
9  One of these superstitions, for example, is that you can learn a lot about the outcome of a defendant's case by looking at his face, especially the shape of his lips.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter Eight Block, the businessman - Dismissing the ...
10  I'm at a bit of a disadvantage now, of course, because of my illness, but I still get visits from some good friends of mine at the court and I learn one or two things.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter Six K.'s uncle - Leni
11  So civil servants like this are not able to learn the things you can learn from studying the successive stages that individual trials go through, the final verdict or the reasons for it.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter Seven Lawyer - Manufacturer - Painter
12  But that is not the most important thing, as there's really not a lot that can be learned in this way, although in this, as with anything else, a competent man will learn more than another.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter Seven Lawyer - Manufacturer - Painter
13  with him at its centre while he compiled the list of words he would need, then looked them up in the dictionary, then wrote them out, then practised their pronunciation and finally tried to learn them by heart.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter Nine In the Cathedral
14  So there's nothing to be achieved by forming into a group, only sometimes an individual will achieve something in secret; and it's only when that's been done the others learn about it; nobody knows how it was done.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter Eight Block, the businessman - Dismissing the ...
15  Carefully and slowly turning his eyes upwards, he tried to learn what was taking place above him, took one of the papers from his desk without looking to see what it was, lay it on the flat of his hand and raised it slowly up as he rose up to the level of the two men himself.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter Seven Lawyer - Manufacturer - Painter
16  Counsel for the defence are not normally allowed to be present while the accused is being questioned, so afterwards, and if possible still at the door of the interview room, he has to learn what he can about it from him and extract whatever he can that might be of use, even though what the accused has to report is often very confused.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter Seven Lawyer - Manufacturer - Painter
17  They're only allowed to deal with that part of the trial which the law allocates them, and they usually know less about the results of their work after it's left them than the defence does, even though the defence will usually stay in contact with the accused until the trial is nearly at its end, so that the court officials can learn many useful things from the defence.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter Seven Lawyer - Manufacturer - Painter
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