1 We were glad of it, for she had a hard life on the farm.
2 I've seen a good deal of married life, and I don't care for it.
3 One always felt that an orderly and very sociable kind of life was going on there.
4 Certainly his kind have left horrible unconscious memories in all warm-blooded life.
5 My big rattler was old, and had led too easy a life; there was not much fight in him.
6 I got 'Robinson Crusoe' and tried to read, but his life on the island seemed dull compared with ours.
7 But in Black Hawk the scene of human life was spread out shrunken and pinched, frozen down to the bare stalk.
8 Her enthusiasm, and her violent likes and dislikes, asserted themselves in all the everyday occupations of life.
9 They had a gay life of it; nothing to do but ride about on trains all day and go to theatres when they were in big cities.
10 Deep down in each of them there was a kind of hearty joviality, a relish of life, not over-delicate, but very invigorating.
11 The tree-tops that had been gold all the autumn were dwarfed and twisted, as if they would never have any life in them again.
12 I went over all that Antonia had ever told me about his life before he came to this country; how he used to play the fiddle at weddings and dances.
13 When boys and girls are growing up, life can't stand still, not even in the quietest of country towns; and they have to grow up, whether they will or no.
14 He gave thanks for our food and comfort, and prayed for the poor and destitute in great cities, where the struggle for life was harder than it was here with us.
15 He was a strapping young fellow in the early twenties then, handsome, warm-hearted, and full of life, and he came to us like a miracle in the midst of that grim business.
16 Grandmother had told me while she was getting supper that he was an Austrian who came to this country a young boy and had led an adventurous life in the Far West among mining-camps and cow outfits.
17 In the afternoons, when grandmother sat upstairs darning, or making husking-gloves, I read 'The Swiss Family Robinson' aloud to her, and I felt that the Swiss family had no advantages over us in the way of an adventurous life.
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