1 It lighted up the room where the murdered woman lay.
2 But my blood boils to avenge this poor murdered creature.
3 He tried to murder me, sir; and then he tried to murder Charlotte; and then missis.
4 Let no man talk of murderers escaping justice, and hint that Providence must sleep.
5 'He has likewise attempted, sir, to murder the female servant,' said Mr. Bumble, with a face of ashy paleness.
6 The tide,' cried the murderer, as he staggered back into the room, and shut the faces out, 'the tide was in as I came up.
7 'Don't come nearer me,' answered the boy, still retreating, and looking, with horror in his eyes, upon the murderer's face.
8 But I have stolen away from those who would surely murder me, if they knew I had been here, to tell you what I have overheard.
9 The murderer staggering backward to the wall, and shutting out the sight with his hand, seized a heavy club and struck her down.
10 He took some bread and meat; and as he drank a draught of beer, heard the firemen, who were from London, talking about the murder.
11 They spoke little, and that in whispers, and were as silent and awe-stricken as if the remains of the murdered woman lay in the next room.
12 I only hope this'll teach master not to have any more of these dreadful creatures, that are born to be murderers and robbers from their very cradle.
13 The panic-stricken men pointed to where such articles were kept; the murderer, hastily selecting the longest and strongest cord, hurried up to the house-top.
14 And now, for the first time, Oliver, well-nigh mad with grief and terror, saw that housebreaking and robbery, if not murder, were the objects of the expedition.
15 If he comes back, and leaves the boy behind him; if he gets off free, and dead or alive, fails to restore him to me; murder him yourself if you would have him escape Jack Ketch.
16 They offered no interference, and the boy and man rolled on the ground together; the former, heedless of the blows that showered upon him, wrenching his hands tighter and tighter in the garments about the murderer's breast, and never ceasing to call for help with all his might.
17 But, from this aperture, he had never ceased to call on those without, to guard the back; and thus, when the murderer emerged at last on the house-top by the door in the roof, a loud shout proclaimed the fact to those in front, who immediately began to pour round, pressing upon each other in an unbroken stream.
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