1 'You had better go over and see our neighbours tomorrow, Emmaline,' he replied gravely.
2 ON SUNDAY MORNING Otto Fuchs was to drive us over to make the acquaintance of our new Bohemian neighbours.
3 I had heard our neighbours laughing when they told how Peter always had to go home at night to milk his cow.
4 The boy had come to town with a neighbour to do his Christmas shopping, for he had money of his own this year.
5 Perhaps the barn had burned; perhaps the cattle had frozen to death; perhaps a neighbour was lost in the storm.
6 At four o'clock Mr. Bushy, the postmaster, with another neighbour who lived east of us, stopped in to get warm.
7 WE KNEW THAT THINGS were hard for our Bohemian neighbours, but the two girls were lighthearted and never complained.
8 There's no good reason why Mrs. Shimerda couldn't have got hens from her neighbours last fall and had a hen-house going by now.
9 They talked excitedly about where they should bury Mr. Shimerda; I gathered that the neighbours were all disturbed and shocked about something.
10 After he had had every other kind of misfortune, his wife, 'Crazy Mary,' tried to set a neighbour's barn on fire, and was sent to the asylum at Lincoln.
11 After that Dude and I went twice a week to the post-office, six miles east of us, and I saved the men a good deal of time by riding on errands to our neighbours.
12 That snake hung on our corral fence for several days; some of the neighbours came to see it and agreed that it was the biggest rattler ever killed in those parts.
13 But after the men came in from the fields, and we were all seated at the supper table, then she asked Jake about the old place and about our friends and neighbours there.
14 Sometimes I went south to visit our German neighbours and to admire their catalpa grove, or to see the big elm tree that grew up out of a deep crack in the earth and had a hawk's nest in its branches.
15 Before these callers were gone, the brother of the Widow Steavens, who lived on the Black Hawk road, drew up at our door, and after him came the father of the German family, our nearest neighbours on the south.
16 The patch of yellow sunlight on the floor travelled back toward the stairway, and grandmother and I talked about my journey, and about the arrival of the new Bohemian family; she said they were to be our nearest neighbours.
17 I was restrained from utter savagery only by the fact that Mrs. Harling, our nearest neighbour, kept an eye on me, and if my behaviour went beyond certain bounds I was not permitted to come into her yard or to play with her jolly children.
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