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1 Scarlett heard him going back to the nursery where he was welcomed by the children.
Gone With The WindBy Margaret Mitchell ContextHighlight In CHAPTER LI
2 The quiet breathing of Wade, Ella and Beau came through the open door of the nursery.
Gone With The WindBy Margaret Mitchell ContextHighlight In CHAPTER XLV
3 But she would not, she told him firmly, have any trashy free issue niggers in her nursery.
Gone With The WindBy Margaret Mitchell ContextHighlight In CHAPTER L
4 Until she was two years old she went to sleep readily in the nursery she shared with Wade and Ella.
Gone With The WindBy Margaret Mitchell ContextHighlight In CHAPTER LII
5 The upshot of the situation was that Bonnie was removed from the nursery to the room Rhett now occupied alone.
Gone With The WindBy Margaret Mitchell ContextHighlight In CHAPTER LII
6 She went into Wade's nursery and found him sitting clutched in Prissy's arms, half dressed, hiccoughing quietly.
Gone With The WindBy Margaret Mitchell ContextHighlight In CHAPTER XXIII
7 She would not humor her by leaving a lamp burning in the nursery, for then Wade and Ella would be unable to sleep.
Gone With The WindBy Margaret Mitchell ContextHighlight In CHAPTER LII
8 And he might have at least kissed her in front of Mammy who, after bobbing a curtsy, was leading Bonnie away down the hall to the nursery.
Gone With The WindBy Margaret Mitchell ContextHighlight In CHAPTER LVI
9 She went up the stairs and, opening the nursery door, found Rhett sitting beside Bonnie's crib with Ella upon his lap and Wade displaying the contents of his pocket to him.
Gone With The WindBy Margaret Mitchell ContextHighlight In CHAPTER LI
10 Aunt Pitty felt vaguely that Captain Butler would not care for this, or she would have to go and live with Melanie and sleep in the little cubbyhole that was Beau's nursery.
Gone With The WindBy Margaret Mitchell ContextHighlight In CHAPTER LV
11 Scarlett was annoyed at the weight he attached to Bonnie's night terrors but she thought she could eventually remedy the state of affairs and transfer the child back to the nursery.
Gone With The WindBy Margaret Mitchell ContextHighlight In CHAPTER LII
12 It crowded the little flat-topped house, forced India to sleep on a pallet in the cubbyhole that was Beau's nursery and sent Dilcey speeding through the back hedge to borrow breakfast eggs from Aunt Pitty's Cookie, but Melanie entertained them as graciously as if hers was a mansion.
Gone With The WindBy Margaret Mitchell ContextHighlight In CHAPTER XLI