1 I were undeserving his grace did I not peril it for his good.
2 "The honour of a noble lady is in peril," said the Black Knight.
3 This deficiency was likely to prove perilous in an emergency so critical.
4 A moment of peril is often also a moment of open-hearted kindness and affection.
5 But their situation was eminently perilous, and was becoming more so with every moment.
6 She had saved his body, he said, and he was confident she did not mean to peril his soul.
7 He has fallen off from neither," said Waldemar Fitzurse; "and since it may not better be, I will take on me the conduct of this perilous enterprise.
8 I will learn that presently," answered Locksley; "and I charge ye, on peril of your lives, not to stir from the place where ye stand, until I have returned.
9 Nor was he less surprised to see Richard surrounded by so many silvan attendants, the outlaws, as they seemed to be, of the forest, and a perilous retinue therefore for a prince.
10 The royal blood of our Saxon kings shall not be spilt while mine beats in my veins; nor shall one hair fall from the head of the kind knave who risked himself for his master, if Cedric's peril can prevent it.
11 This is no fair chance you put on me, proud Prince," said the yeoman, "to compel me to peril myself against the best archers of Leicester And Staffordshire, under the penalty of infamy if they should overshoot me.
12 The Templar's retreat was rendered perilous by the numbers of arrows shot off at him and his party; but this did not prevent him from galloping round to the barbican, of which, according to his previous plan, he supposed it possible De Bracy might have been in possession.