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Quotes from The Trial by Franz Kafka
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 Current Search - picture in The Trial
1  , pointing to the picture with one finger.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter Six K.'s uncle - Leni
2  I know him," said Leni looking up at the picture, "he comes here quite often.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter Six K.'s uncle - Leni
3  took hold of the book that lay on top and threw it open, an indecent picture appeared.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter Three In the empty Courtroom - The Student - The ...
4  But maybe she's gentle and friendly towards you, that's the impression you get from the picture.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter Six K.'s uncle - Leni
5  , it gave him a good opportunity to talk about the court as the picture showed, very clearly, a judge.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter Seven Lawyer - Manufacturer - Painter
6  Leni insisted he show her a photograph of Elsa, and then, hunched on his lap, studied the picture closely.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter Six K.'s uncle - Leni
7  I can see him now, sitting on the chair belonging to that lady I mentioned - a picture of dull-witted arrogance.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter Two First Cross-examination
8  That picture is from when he was young, but he can never have looked anything like it, as he's tiny, minute almost.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter Six K.'s uncle - Leni
9  But despite that, he had himself made to look bigger in the picture as he's madly vain, just like everyone round here.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter Six K.'s uncle - Leni
10  In the middle of the room a picture stood on an easel, covered over with a shirt whose arms dangled down to the ground.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter Seven Lawyer - Manufacturer - Painter
11  The lawyer's picture was also an oil painting, whereas this one had been made with pastel colours and was pale and unclear.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter Seven Lawyer - Manufacturer - Painter
12  He was especially impressed by a large picture hanging to the right of the door, he leant forward in order to see it better.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter Six K.'s uncle - Leni
13  It depicted a man wearing a judge's robes; he was sitting on a lofty throne gilded in a way that shone forth from the picture.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter Six K.'s uncle - Leni
14  The accused was probably meant to be imagined at the foot of the steps, the top one of which could be seen in the picture, covered with a yellow carpet.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter Six K.'s uncle - Leni
15  But everything else about the picture was similar, as this judge, too, was holding tightly to the arm of his throne and seemed ominously about to rise from it.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter Seven Lawyer - Manufacturer - Painter
16  What's more, it was remarkably similar to the picture in the lawyer's office, although this one showed a quite different judge, a heavy man with a full beard which was black and bushy and extended to the sides far up the man's cheeks.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter Seven Lawyer - Manufacturer - Painter
17  The odd thing about the picture was that this judge was not sitting there in dignified calm but had his left arm pressed against the back and armrest, his right arm, however, was completely free and only grasped the armrest with his hand, as if about to jump up any moment in vigorous outrage and make some decisive comment or even to pass sentence.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter Six K.'s uncle - Leni
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