1 We sat down and made a nest in the long red grass.
2 If the red grass were full of rattlers, I was equal to them all.
3 Queer little red bugs came out and moved in slow squadrons around me.
4 Big white flakes were whirling over everything and disappearing in the red grass.
5 When he was a young man his hair and beard were red; his eyebrows were still coppery.
6 The blond cornfields were red gold, the haystacks turned rosy and threw long shadows.
7 I had been sleeping, curled up in a red plush seat, for a long while when we reached Black Hawk.
8 I wanted to walk straight on through the red grass and over the edge of the world, which could not be very far away.
9 In the red glow from the fire-box, a group of people stood huddled together on the platform, encumbered by bundles and boxes.
10 The red of the grass made all the great prairie the colour of winestains, or of certain seaweeds when they are first washed up.
11 The grass had been nibbled short and even, so this stretch was not shaggy and red like the surrounding country, but grey and velvety.
12 Grandmother hunted up her fancy cake-cutters and baked gingerbread men and roosters, which we decorated with burnt sugar and red cinnamon drops.
13 We burrowed down in the straw and curled up close together, watching the angry red die out of the west and the stars begin to shine in the clear, windy sky.
14 Under his coat he wore a knitted grey vest, and, instead of a collar, a silk scarf of a dark bronze-green, carefully crossed and held together by a red coral pin.
15 I could hardly wait to see what lay beyond that cornfield; but there was only red grass like ours, and nothing else, though from the high wagon-seat one could look off a long way.
16 I had seen ice on the little horsepond that morning, and as we went through the garden we found the tall asparagus, with its red berries, lying on the ground, a mass of slimy green.
17 As we approached the Shimerdas' dwelling, I could still see nothing but rough red hillocks, and draws with shelving banks and long roots hanging out where the earth had crumbled away.
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