1 He's a handsome boy, and he'll be rich some day.
2 "Your grandfather is rich," she retorted fiercely.
3 She was a rich mine of life, like the founders of early races.
4 Her skin was brown, too, and in her cheeks she had a glow of rich, dark colour.
5 Tiny smiled grimly and assured me that Lena would never be either shabby or rich.
6 The conductors get rich down there, collecting half-fares off the natives and robbing the company.
My Antonia By Willa CatherContextHighlight In BOOK 4. The Pioneer Woman's Story: III 7 The little children, who could not speak English, murmured comments to each other in their rich old language.
8 But Mr. Shimerda had not been rich and selfish: he had only been so unhappy that he could not live any longer.
9 It was belong to a great man, very rich, like what you not got here; many fields, many forests, many big house.
10 He told Antonia that in his country only rich people had cows, but here any man could have one who would take care of her.
11 They liked to prepare rich, hearty food and to see people eat it; to make up soft white beds and to see youngsters asleep in them.
12 They reached Circle City on the very day when some Siwash Indians came into the settlement with the report that there had been a rich gold strike farther up the river, on a certain Klondike Creek.
My Antonia By Willa CatherContextHighlight In BOOK 4. The Pioneer Woman's Story: I 13 To-day the best that a harassed Black Hawk merchant can hope for is to sell provisions and farm machinery and automobiles to the rich farms where that first crop of stalwart Bohemian and Scandinavian girls are now the mistresses.
14 I used to love to drift along the pale-yellow cornfields, looking for the damp spots one sometimes found at their edges, where the smartweed soon turned a rich copper colour and the narrow brown leaves hung curled like cocoons about the swollen joints of the stem.