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Quotes from Return of the Native by Thomas Hardy
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 Current Search - scarce in Return of the Native
1  It is scarcely worth while to talk of that now.
Return of the Native By Thomas Hardy
ContextHighlight   In BOOK 4: 3 She Goes Out to Battle against Depression
2  Her voice was now so low as to be scarcely above a whisper.
Return of the Native By Thomas Hardy
ContextHighlight   In BOOK 4: 6 A Conjuncture, and Its Result upon the Pedestrian
3  Five days have we sat like this at meals with scarcely a word.
Return of the Native By Thomas Hardy
ContextHighlight   In BOOK 3: 3 The First Act in a Timeworn Drama
4  She was scarcely able to familiarize herself with this strange reality.
Return of the Native By Thomas Hardy
ContextHighlight   In BOOK 4: 5 The Journey across the Heath
5  He went his way, his farewell being scarcely so courteous as his greeting.
Return of the Native By Thomas Hardy
ContextHighlight   In BOOK 3: 7 The Morning and the Evening of a Day
6  You could scarcely walk there and back without a longer rest than I shall take.
Return of the Native By Thomas Hardy
ContextHighlight   In BOOK 4: 7 The Tragic Meeting of Two Old Friends
7  She was a stranger to all such local gatherings, and had always held them as scarcely appertaining to her sphere.
Return of the Native By Thomas Hardy
ContextHighlight   In BOOK 2: 4 Eustacia Is Led on to an Adventure
8  Venn sat with lips impassively closed and eyes reduced to a pair of unimportant twinkles; he scarcely appeared to breathe.
Return of the Native By Thomas Hardy
ContextHighlight   In BOOK 3: 8 A New Force Disturbs the Current
9  The marriage was scarcely in accord with the old man's wishes, for the bandmaster's pockets were as light as his occupation.
Return of the Native By Thomas Hardy
ContextHighlight   In BOOK 1: 7 Queen of Night
10  Yet scarcely a single accent among the many afloat tonight could have such power to impress a listener with thoughts of its origin.
Return of the Native By Thomas Hardy
ContextHighlight   In BOOK 1: 6 The Figure against the Sky
11  The heat of the day had scarcely declined as yet, and she went along the sunny hills at a leisurely pace, there being ample time for her idle expedition.
Return of the Native By Thomas Hardy
ContextHighlight   In BOOK 4: 3 She Goes Out to Battle against Depression
12  Except the daughter of one of the cotters, who was their servant, and a lad who worked in the garden and stable, scarcely anyone but themselves ever entered the house.
Return of the Native By Thomas Hardy
ContextHighlight   In BOOK 1: 10 A Desperate Attempt at Persuasion
13  That these are not what they were towards you may, perhaps, be a fault in me, but it is one which you can scarcely reproach me for when you remember how you left me for Thomasin.
Return of the Native By Thomas Hardy
ContextHighlight   In BOOK 2: 7 A Coalition between Beauty and Oddness
14  Her social superiority over him, which hitherto had scarcely ever impressed her, became unpleasantly insistent, and for the first time she felt that she had stooped in loving him.
Return of the Native By Thomas Hardy
ContextHighlight   In BOOK 1: 11 The Dishonesty of an Honest Woman
15  The lonely inn was not yet closed, though scarcely an individual was there, the business done being chiefly with travellers who passed the inn on long journeys, and these had now gone on their way.
Return of the Native By Thomas Hardy
ContextHighlight   In BOOK 4: 3 She Goes Out to Battle against Depression
16  The face of the heath by its mere complexion added half an hour to evening; it could in like manner retard the dawn, sadden noon, anticipate the frowning of storms scarcely generated, and intensify the opacity of a moonless midnight to a cause of shaking and dread.
Return of the Native By Thomas Hardy
ContextHighlight   In BOOK 1: 1 A Face on Which Time Makes but Little Impression
17  The nook among the brambles where his van had been standing was as vacant as ever the next morning, and scarcely a sign remained to show that he had been there, excepting a few straws, and a little redness on the turf, which was washed away by the next storm of rain.
Return of the Native By Thomas Hardy
ContextHighlight   In BOOK 2: 8 Firmness Is Discovered in a Gentle Heart
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