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Current Search - somewheres in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
1 Away down there somewheres I hears a small whoop, and up comes my spirits.
Adventures of Huckleberry FinnBy Mark Twain ContextHighlight In CHAPTER XV.
2 But it didn't matter much, because they was still on the premises somewheres.
Adventures of Huckleberry FinnBy Mark Twain ContextHighlight In CHAPTER XXXIX.
3 All I wanted was to go somewheres; all I wanted was a change, I warn't particular.
Adventures of Huckleberry FinnBy Mark Twain ContextHighlight In CHAPTER I.
4 She stopped, with her mouth open and her hands up; and as for me, I wished I was in Jeruslem or somewheres.
Adventures of Huckleberry FinnBy Mark Twain ContextHighlight In CHAPTER XXXVII.
5 So he rummaged his pockets, and then went off somewheres where he had laid it down, and fetched it, and give it to her.
Adventures of Huckleberry FinnBy Mark Twain ContextHighlight In CHAPTER XLII.
6 I judged I better hide it outside of the house somewheres, because if they missed it they would give the house a good ransacking: I knowed that very well.
Adventures of Huckleberry FinnBy Mark Twain ContextHighlight In CHAPTER XXVI.
7 I judged that that piece of paper meant that Miss Sophia was to meet Harney somewheres at half-past two and run off; and I judged I ought to told her father about that paper and the curious way she acted, and then maybe he would a locked her up, and this awful mess wouldn't ever happened.
Adventures of Huckleberry FinnBy Mark Twain ContextHighlight In CHAPTER XVIII.