TEARS in Classic Quotes

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Quotes from The Odyssey by Homer
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 Current Search - tears in The Odyssey
1  With this Telemachus dashed his staff to the ground and burst into tears.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK II
2  We can only shave our heads for them and wring the tears from our cheeks.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK IV
3  With these words she made her mistress leave off crying, and dried the tears from her eyes.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK IV
4  All this he told, but Ulysses was overcome as he heard him, and his cheeks were wet with tears.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK VIII
5  As he spoke he kissed his son, and a tear fell from his cheek on to the ground, for he had restrained all tears till now.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK XVI
6  Then Penelope's heart sank within her, and for a long time she was speechless; her eyes filled with tears, and she could find no utterance.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK IV
7  My mother answered, 'Your wife still remains in your house, but she is in great distress of mind and spends her whole time in tears both night and day.'
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK XI
8  Ulysses felt for her and was sorry for her, but he kept his eyes as hard as horn or iron without letting them so much as quiver, so cunningly did he restrain his tears.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK XIX
9  Telemachus, I shall go upstairs and lie down on that sad couch, which I have not ceased to water with my tears, from the day Ulysses set out for Troy with the sons of Atreus.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK XVII
10  I had left her alive when I set out for Troy and was moved to tears when I saw her, but even so, for all my sorrow I would not let her come near the blood till I had asked my questions of Teiresias.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK XI
11  He was so overcome with dismay that though he tried to speak he could find no words to do so; his eyes filled with tears and he could only sob and sigh, till at last we forced his story out of him, and he told us what had happened to the others.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK X
12  She found him sitting upon the beach with his eyes ever filled with tears, and dying of sheer home sickness; for he had got tired of Calypso, and though he was forced to sleep with her in the cave by night, it was she, not he, that would have it so.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK V
13  By and by, however, it seemed as though he was to return safely after all, for the gods backed the wind into its old quarter and they reached home; whereon Agamemnon kissed his native soil, and shed tears of joy at finding himself in his own country.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK IV
14  As the snow wastes upon the mountain tops when the winds from South East and West have breathed upon it and thawed it till the rivers run bank full with water, even so did her cheeks overflow with tears for the husband who was all the time sitting by her side.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK XIX
15  I stayed with Calypso seven years straight on end, and watered the good clothes she gave me with my tears during the whole time; but at last when the eighth year came round she bade me depart of her own free will, either because Jove had told her she must, or because she had changed her mind.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK VII
16  When the bard left off singing he wiped the tears from his eyes, uncovered his face, and, taking his cup, made a drink-offering to the gods; but when the Phaeacians pressed Demodocus to sing further, for they delighted in his lays, then Ulysses again drew his mantle over his head and wept bitterly.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK VIII
17  Any one but yourself on returning from so long a voyage would at once have gone home to see his wife and children, but you do not seem to care about asking after them or hearing any news about them till you have exploited your wife, who remains at home vainly grieving for you, and having no peace night or day for the tears she sheds on your behalf.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK XIII
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