1 One is fat and all the time laugh.
2 The cold stung, and at the same time delighted one.
3 The first time I see my papa laugh in this kawntree.
4 'My papa sick all the time,' Tony panted as we flew.
5 Jake came in again, this time with a sack of potatoes.
6 She could talk to me about almost anything by this time.
7 Probably by that time I had crossed so many rivers that I was dull to them.
8 She liked me better from that time on, and she never took a supercilious air with me again.
9 I pricked up my ears, for it was positively the first time I had ever heard a foreign tongue.
10 The next time she made bread, she scraped this sour stuff down into the fresh dough to serve as yeast.
11 Antonia and I sat erect, but I held the reins clumsily, and my eyes were blinded by the wind a good deal of the time.
12 As far as we could see, the miles of copper-red grass were drenched in sunlight that was stronger and fiercer than at any other time of the day.
13 After that Dude and I went twice a week to the post-office, six miles east of us, and I saved the men a good deal of time by riding on errands to our neighbours.
14 We had been silent a long time, and the edge of the sun sank nearer and nearer the prairie floor, when we saw a figure moving on the edge of the upland, a gun over his shoulder.
15 Occasionally one of the horses would tear off with his teeth a plant full of blossoms, and walk along munching it, the flowers nodding in time to his bites as he ate down toward them.
16 Once, while he was looking at Antonia, he sighed and told us that if he had stayed at home in Russia perhaps by this time he would have had a pretty daughter of his own to cook and keep house for him.
17 Fuchs told me that the sunflowers were introduced into that country by the Mormons; that at the time of the persecution, when they left Missouri and struck out into the wilderness to find a place where they could worship God in their own way, the members of the first exploring party, crossing the plains to Utah, scattered sunflower seed as they went.
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