1 If he was tired, then that was bad.
The Trial By Franz KafkaContextHighlight In Chapter Seven Lawyer - Manufacturer - Painter 2 was too tired to do that for himself.
The Trial By Franz KafkaContextHighlight In Chapter Three In the empty Courtroom - The Student - The ... 3 , who was tired of Miss Montag continuously watching his lips.
4 was sitting in his office, already extremely tired despite the early hour.
The Trial By Franz KafkaContextHighlight In Chapter Seven Lawyer - Manufacturer - Painter 5 , feeling suddenly tired and seeing that if this woman did agree with him it was of very little value.
The Trial By Franz KafkaContextHighlight In Chapter One Arrest - Conversation with Mrs. Grubach - ... 6 He looked down with his tired eyes, half blankly and half at Block, who slowly sank back down on his knees under this gaze.
The Trial By Franz KafkaContextHighlight In Chapter Eight Block, the businessman - Dismissing the ... 7 was very tired, as he had stayed out drinking until late in the night celebrating with some of the regulars, and he had almost overslept.
8 The reason I need to speak to you only came up today" "I see, well I don't see why not, I suppose, apart from being so tired I could drop.
The Trial By Franz KafkaContextHighlight In Chapter One Arrest - Conversation with Mrs. Grubach - ... 9 That went on for about an hour until the old gentleman, who was already exhausted from working all night, was very tired and went back to his office.
The Trial By Franz KafkaContextHighlight In Chapter Seven Lawyer - Manufacturer - Painter 10 On winter's mornings such as this, when he was very tired and everything dragged itself lethargically through his head, this belief of his seemed irrefutable.
The Trial By Franz KafkaContextHighlight In Chapter Seven Lawyer - Manufacturer - Painter 11 She gave him a tired nod, offered him her hand to kiss as she turned away as if she did not know what she was doing, and went back into her room with her head bowed.
The Trial By Franz KafkaContextHighlight In Chapter One Arrest - Conversation with Mrs. Grubach - ... 12 When he had become tired of looking out onto the empty street he slightly opened the door to the living room so that he could see anyone who entered the flat from where he was and lay down on the couch.
The Trial By Franz KafkaContextHighlight In Chapter One Arrest - Conversation with Mrs. Grubach - ... 13 He was too tired to think about all the ramifications of the story, and the sort of thoughts they led him into were not familiar to him, unrealistic things, things better suited for officials of the court to discuss than for him.
14 As he was tired he wanted to sit down, he went back inside the cathedral, he found something like a small carpet on one of the steps, he moved it with his foot to a nearby pew, wrapped himself up tighter in his coat, put the collar up and sat down.
15 Don't forget in proceedings like this there are always lots of different things coming up to talk about, things that you just can't understand with reason alone, you just get too tired and distracted for most things and so, instead, people rely on superstition.
The Trial By Franz KafkaContextHighlight In Chapter Eight Block, the businessman - Dismissing the ... 16 He sat down briefly in order to keep them near him for a little longer, looked through a few of the copies to give the impression that he was checking them and then, as he saw that they would not dare to leave at the same time as himself, went home tired and with his mind numb.
17 He had spent half the night studying a book of Italian grammar so that he would be somewhat prepared and was very tired; his desk was less attractive to him than the window where he had spent far too much time sitting of late, but he resisted the temptation and sat down to his work.
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