1 Well, well,' said Mr. Bumble, 'every trade has its drawbacks.
2 I have been in the same trade, and in the same service, for twelve years since.
3 'It's a nasty trade,' said Mr. Limbkins, when Gamfield had again stated his wish.
4 'If we was to bind him to any other trade to-morrow, he'd run away simultaneous, your worship,' replied Bumble.
5 It's a poor trade, Nancy, and no thanks; but I'm fond of seeing the young people about me; and I bear it all, I bear it all.
6 In other words, five pounds and Oliver Twist were offered to any man or woman who wanted an apprentice to any trade, business, or calling.
7 These were, the great advantages of the trade, the proficiency of the Dodger, the amiability of Charley Bates, and the liberality of the Jew himself.
8 The board, in imitation of so wise and salutary an example, took counsel together on the expediency of shipping off Oliver Twist, in some small trading vessel bound to a good unhealthy port.
9 There were a good many small shops; but the only stock in trade appeared to be heaps of children, who, even at that time of night, were crawling in and out at the doors, or screaming from the inside.
10 But the father gets lagged; and then the Juvenile Delinquent Society comes, and takes the boy away from a trade where he was earning money, teaches him to read and write, and in time makes a 'prentice of him.'