1 But the watchfulness of these vigilant protectors neither tired nor slumbered.
2 But the wary and vigilant leader of the Hurons was not so easily disconcerted.
3 But the vigilance of the Indians rendered this act of precaution both difficult and dangerous.
4 He ate and drank with an appetite that no sense of danger could disturb, but his vigilance seemed never to desert him.
5 It is a poor compliment to the vigilance of us soldiers, monsieur, that, do what we will, we never can conceal our numbers.
6 The young man willingly believed that the Huron deliberated on the most eligible manner of eluding the vigilance of his associates.
7 It appeared to him as though the foresters had some secret means of intelligence, which had escaped the vigilance of his own faculties.
8 But his aim was interrupted by the vigilance of his enemies, whose rifles instantaneously bore on any part of his person that was left exposed.
9 There were now a few minutes of fearful stillness, during which Heyward well knew that the savages conducted their search with greater vigilance and method.
10 The words were still in the mouth of the scout, when the leader of the party, whose approaching footsteps had caught the vigilant ear of the Indian, came openly into view.
11 But the enemy who, by any lucky concurrence of accidents, has found means to elude the vigilance of the scouts, will seldom meet with sentinels nearer home to sound the alarm.
12 Heyward, who watched his movements with a vigilant eye, carelessly extricated one of his feet from the stirrup, while he passed a hand toward the bear-skin covering of his holsters.
13 In its front might be seen the scattered sentinels, who held a weary watch against their numerous foes; and within the walls themselves, the travelers looked down upon men still drowsy with a night of vigilance.
14 Unable longer to foil an enemy so alert and vigilant, he threw his arms about him, and succeeded in pinning the limbs of the other to his side, with an iron grasp, but one that was far too exhausting to himself to continue long.
15 Nay, Duncan, deny it not," interrupted the smiling Alice, issuing from the shadows of the building into the light of the moon, in all the loveliness of her freshened beauty; "I know you to be a heedless one, when self is the object of your care, and but too vigilant in favor of others.
16 If we lay among the white tents of the Sixtieth, and in front of an enemy like the French, I could not ask for a better watchman," returned the scout; "but in the darkness and among the signs of the wilderness your judgment would be like the folly of a child, and your vigilance thrown away.
17 During this display of emotions so natural in their situation, Hawkeye, whose vigilant distrust had satisfied itself that the Hurons, who disfigured the heavenly scene, no longer possessed the power to interrupt its harmony, approached David, and liberated him from the bonds he had, until that moment, endured with the most exemplary patience.
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