1 He was notoriously dissolute with women.
2 The Norwegian women didn't know where to look.
3 The cold drove the women into the cave-house, and it was soon crowded.
4 One sees that draught-horse neck among the peasant women in all old countries.
5 The screams of the horses were more terrible to hear than the cries of the men and women.
6 The room was invaded by beautiful women and dashing young men, laughing and talking together.
7 The men were dressed more or less after the period in which the play was written; the women were not.
8 While the two women were running the place alone, one of the new horses got colic and gave them a terrible fright.
9 He always seemed pleased when he met people on the road, smiled and took off his cap to everyone, men as well as women.
10 Crazy Mary darted out from the group of women at the church door, and ran down the road after Lena, shouting horrible threats.
11 The next summer, when the long trains of wagons came through with all the women and children, they had the sunflower trail to follow.
12 We stood about watching them, and the powdery snow lay without melting on the caps and shoulders of the men and the shawls of the women.
13 It took but a few moments to release the gases pent up in the poor beast, and the two women heard the rush of wind and saw the roan visibly diminish in girth.
14 Fuchs glanced about to see if there was general approval of her suggestion, then began, 'Jesus, Lover of my Soul,' and all the men and women took it up after him.
15 When Frances drove out into the country on business, she would go miles out of her way to call on some of the old people, or to see the women who seldom got to town.
16 Lena was always knitting stockings for little brothers and sisters, and even the Norwegian women, who disapproved of her, admitted that she was a good daughter to her mother.
17 Physically they were almost a race apart, and out-of-door work had given them a vigour which, when they got over their first shyness on coming to town, developed into a positive carriage and freedom of movement, and made them conspicuous among Black Hawk women.
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