IELTS General Reading Exercise

It hosts IELTS General reading materials and exercises covering main question types, provides answers for all questions; students can get reading materials and exercises by topics or types and practices online.

 All Exercises
Babies Learn Language
Summary/Note Completion; Yes/No/Not Given language
Identifying/Match Information; Summary/Note Completion calisthenics
Emergency Evacuation
Sentence Completion emergency; evacuation
Employment in Japan
Match Heading; Sentence Completion; Multiple Choice employment
End of Silver Screen
Match Heading; Summary/Note Completion movie
English courses
True/False/Not Given course
Flight Attendants Recruitment
Table Completion recruitment
Hours of Work
True/False/Not Given hour
Keyboard Operator Practice
Match Heading keyboard
Places To Visit
Identifying/Match Information visit
Safe Computer Use
Sentence Completion computer
Short Business Courses
True/False/Not Given course
The Earth
Identifying/Match Information; Sentence Completion earth
The Openings
Multiple Choice; True/False/Not Given Employee; job; opening
Travel To Australia
Table Completion; Sentence Completion travel
Universities in Britain
Match Heading; Short Answer; Identifying/Match Information university
What To Do In Fire
Sentence Completion; True/False/Not Given; Multiple Choice fire
Workplace Dismissals
Sentence Completion; Identifying/Match Information dismissal
 Today's Question
Questions 1 and 2: Complete the sentences below. Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the text for each answer.
1. If an employee receives a , this means he will lose his job if his work does not get better.

2. If an employee does not accept the reasons for his dismissal, a can be arranged.
Questions 3–7: Look at the following descriptions and the list of terms in the box below. Match each description with the correct term A–E.
AFair dismissal
BSummary dismissal
CUnfair dismissal
DWrongful dismissal
EConstructive dismissal
3. An employee is asked to leave work straight away because he has done something really bad.

4. An employee is pressured to leave his job unless he accepts conditions that are very different from those agreed to in the beginning.

5. An employer gets rid of an employee without keeping to conditions in the contract.

6. The reason for an employee’s dismissal is not considered good enough.

7. The reasons for an employee’s dismissal are acceptable by law and the terms of the employment contract.