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 Test Questions
Word Frequency: from 3K to 4K
shoot     Speak
Select answer:
relieve of a burden or of contents; unload; pour forth or release; complete or carry out; give off
emit something suddenly and forcefully
separate or be separated by force; divide or disrupt; fill with tears or shed tears
call upon divine or supernatural power to send injury upon; bring great evil upon
put forward for consideration
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cutting     Speak
Select answer:
profound respect and esteem with fear and affection, as for a holy being or place; act showing respect, especially a bow or curtsy
argument; angry altercation; quarrel; verbal controversy; debate
a young and slender person
the act of penetrating or opening open with a sharp edge
act of providing or preparing for future use or application; making ready; preparation; foresight
Don't select.
arrive     Speak
Select answer:
compute; take account of; have faith or confidence in
contend for; oppose or dispute
keep from being seen, found, observed, or discovered; secrete
make a proposal, declare a plan for something
reach a destination
Don't select.
shared     Speak
Select answer:
have in common
contend for; oppose or dispute
put a load or large amount of something on or in
disrupt; hinder; be or create a hindrance or obstacle
be worthy of; have a right to
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portrait     Speak
Select answer:
portraiture; picture; likeness of a person, especially one showing the face
place of worship that is smaller than and subordinate to a church; service conducted in a chapel
thought or behavior followed from generation to generation; heritage
quality that makes something laughable or amusing; funniness
anxiety; extreme emotional disturbance
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graceful     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
suggested but not directly expressed;
not yet finished
unlikely to harm or disturb anyone
not in a state of sleep; completely conscious
pleasing or attractive
Don't select.
platform     Speak
Select answer:
bellow; rumble; make a loud noise
stage; a raised horizontal surface
a hoofed grazing or browsing animal, with branched bony antlers
a request to participate, be present, or take part in something
printed and bound book that is an extended work of fiction
Don't select.
longing     Speak
Select answer:
metal that has been formed into a thin flexible thread
prolonged unfulfilled desire or need
a tall solid upright stone post
sound made by a dog; harsh sound uttered by a dog
acceptance ; appreciation; approval
Don't select.
reception     Speak
Select answer:
act of receiving; manner in which something is greeted
quality or condition of being certain; fact or truth unquestionable established; clearness
being in equilibrium; symmetry or stability
tutor; teacher
plant with soft, white stuff round the seeds
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tobacco     Speak
Select answer:
event that will inevitably happen in the future
large timber or post; heap; hair; fiber of wool, cotton; head of an arrow or spear
act of succeeding, or following after; following of things in order of time or place, or a series of things so following; sequence
the most important or necessary part of something
aromatic annual or perennial herbs and shrubs
Don't select.
fetch     Speak
Select answer:
act so as to make it appear that something is the case when in fact it is not
perceive the scent of through the nose
be worthy of; have a right to
take away or remove; reduce; go or come after and bring or take back
darken; make dim or indistinct; conceal in obscurity
Don't select.
handkerchief     Speak
Select answer:
quality or condition of being certain; fact or truth unquestionable established; clearness
anticipating with confidence of fulfillment
a square piece of cloth used for wiping the eyes or nose or as a costume accessory
fabric woven with fibers from the flax plant; thread made from fibers of the flax plant
intense interest; eagerness to accomplish some object
Don't select.
moonlight     Speak
Select answer:
whip with a leather strap
disrupt; hinder; be or create a hindrance or obstacle
work a second job, usually after hours
lay legal claim to
express disapproval or disappointment; bring shame upon; disgrace
Don't select.
puzzled     Speak
Select answer:
go away or leave, especially on a journey; set out
be a mystery or bewildering to
inhabit; live in a certain place; be present in; be inside of
withdraw from active participation
understand a situation, sometimes suddenly
Don't select.
remedy     Speak
Select answer:
act of occupying or taking possession; control of a country by military forces of a foreign power
a successful way of curing an illness or dealing with a problem
act of causing anger, resentment, displeasure, or affront; violation or infraction of moral or social code
a solid substance in the form of tiny loose particles
a line of scalp that can be seen when sections of hair are combed in opposite directions
Don't select.
curtain     Speak
Select answer:
a hanging screen that usually cab be drawn back or up
ancestry; origin; the descendants of one individual; drop; fall; a movement downward
similarity or analogy; communication by the exchange of letters
act of distinguishing by comparing differences
target of a hunt; animal hunted or caught for food
Don't select.
fence     Speak
Select answer:
one part in five equal parts
a young and slender person
the act of solving a problem, question
collection of facts, observations, or other information related to a particular question or problem
upright structure, typically of wood, enclosing an area of ground to mark a boundary
Don't select.
damaged     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
in secrecy; not openly
knowing; skillful; artful; designing; deceitful
offensive to the sight; contrary to beauty; disagreeable aspect
very much; strongly
harmed or injured or spoiled
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defeated     Speak
Select answer:
regard highly; think much of
establish or indicate who or what is; find out
be a mystery or bewildering to
thwart the passage of
whip with a leather strap
Don't select.
destiny     Speak
Select answer:
arms; any object used in fighting or war, such as a gun, bomb, knife, etc.
single movement from one foot to the other in walking; slow gait; step
money collected under a tariff
a tall solid upright stone post
event that will inevitably happen in the future
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