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 Test Questions
GRE Vocabulary: Level 3
allegation     Speak
Select answer:
suggestion without proof that someone has done something wrong
direct financial aid by the government
science of sound; the quality that makes a room easy or hard to hear in
inflammation of the brain, usually caused by a virus
slight natural depression or indentation on the surface of some part of the body; slight indentation on any surface
Don't select.
axle     Speak
Select answer:
using or able to use two languages, especially with equal or nearly equal fluency
representation of common ground between two things; extend over and cover a part of
pin or spindle on which a wheel revolves, or which revolves with a wheel; transverse bar connecting the opposite wheels
growth of minute powdery or webby fungi; state of decay produced in living and dead vegetable matter
a small shoot or twig of a tree or other plant; spray; a youth; a lad; a brad, or nail without a head
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cavalcade     Speak
Select answer:
nook; small, recessed section of a room
act of making a conscious choice; power or faculty of choosing
ceremonial procession or display; succession or series
act of gathering or heaping together or forming a mass
tiny American bird having brilliant iridescent plumage and long slender bills
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classify     Speak
Select answer:
wander or stray; turn aside sharply; climb or move upward
declare unavailable, as for security reasons; arrange or order by classes or categories
deny; go back on; fail to fulfill promise or obligation
close tightly; grasp or grip tightly; fasten with a clinch
make whole; combine; make into one unit
Don't select.
dawdle     Speak
Select answer:
pile up; collect;  mount up; increase
enrage; make furious or mad with anger
proceed slowly; waste time
persuade not to do; discourage
make laws; create or pass laws
Don't select.
dowdy     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
lonely; solitary; desolate; gloomy; dismal; affected with ill humor
greedy; eager for; marked by keen interest and enthusiasm
most favorable or advantageous
lacking stylishness or neatness; shabby; old-fashioned
holding; having quality, power, or capacity of retaining, as to retain knowledge with ease
Don't select.
exorbitant     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation; exceeding proper limits
careful about money; economical
marked by energy and vigor; manly; able to copulate, as for male
contrary to your interests or welfare; inconvenient; troublesome
urgent or pressing; able to deal authoritatively; dictatorial
Don't select.
fodder     Speak
Select answer:
everyday speech of people, as distinguished from literary language; standard native language of a locality
the decree, especially issued by a sovereign; official command
spire, also, the tower and spire taken together; the whole of a structure if the roof is of spire form
a wormlike and often brightly colored and hairy or spiny larva of a butterfly or moth
coarse food for cattle or horses
Don't select.
hinder     Speak
Select answer:
put down by force or intimidation; restrain; crush; oppress; conceal or hide
arouse to action; motivate; induce to exist
force; coerce; necessitate or pressure by force
put at a disadvantage; tie up; hamper; prevent the progress
search thoroughly; search every place or part of
Don't select.
horde     Speak
Select answer:
a large group or crowd; wandering troop or gang; a moving crowd
ceremonial procession or display; succession or series
feather, especially soft, downy, long, or handsome feather; a token of honor or achievement
assault; a very powerful attack
mass for dead; song or hymn of mourning composed or performed as memorial
Don't select.
lament     Speak
Select answer:
pile up; collect;  mount up; increase
make muddy; mix confusedly; think, act, or proceed in a confused or aimless manner
grieve; express sorrow; regret deeply
unite closely or intimately; join together by heating
seize and hold  power or rights of another by force or without legal authority
Don't select.
mimic     Speak
Select answer:
flow forth suddenly in great volume; make an excessive display
copy or imitate closely, especially in speech, expression
put at a disadvantage; tie up; hamper; prevent the progress
plead; make the earnest request of; ask for earnestly
cry out with a loud, full sound; cry with vehemence, as in calling or exultation; shout
Don't select.
narcotic     Speak
Select answer:
the practice of eating the flesh of your kind
the addictive drug, such as opium that reduces pain, alters mood and behavior; inducing sleep
large cage, building, or enclosure in which birds are reared or kept
a pair of pinchers, or tongs; an instrument for grasping, holding firmly, or exerting traction
willingness to carry out the wishes of others; great respect
Don't select.
pare     Speak
Select answer:
remove outer covering or skin with a knife or similar instrument
go backwards;  decline to inferior state; degenerate
make laws; create or pass laws
detect; perceive, recognize, or understand something that is not clear
turn aside, especially from the main subject in writing or speaking
Don't select.
quirk     Speak
Select answer:
state of being unmarried; single life
mental keenness; quickness of perception
long-handled stewing pan or saucepan sometimes having legs; a vessel for stewing meat
sudden sharp turn or twist; strange attitude or habit; the peculiarity of behavior
the feeling of great happiness and well-being, sometimes exaggerated
Don't select.
rancid     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
lacking cohesion, connection, or harmony; unable to think in a clear manner
having disagreeable odor or taste of decomposing oils or fats
incapable of being described
left and abandoned; negligent in performing a duty
flexible; moving and bending with ease
Don't select.
shackle     Speak
Select answer:
move or run rapidly or carelessly, lifting the fore and hind feet alternately, in successive leaps or bounds
chain; fetter; restraint that confines or restricts freedom
stop; impede; shut out from view
take away a vital or essential part of
proceed slowly; waste time
Don't select.
stoic     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
caring only about oneself; selfish; self-centered
derived from experiment and observation rather than theory
indifferent to or unaffected by joy, grief, pleasure, or pain
in waves; fluctuate; having curls
magnificent and splendid, suggesting abundance and great expense; luxurious
Don't select.
tenacity     Speak
Select answer:
a place, such as a branch of a tree, where birds rest or sleep
firmness of hold or of purpose; persistence
gold and silver in the form of bars
the decree, especially issued by a sovereign; official command
line of junction formed by sewing together two pieces; line across a surface, as a crack; scar
Don't select.
vicarious     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
acting as a substitute; done by deputy; experienced at secondhand
extremely fat; grossly overweight
dull, unimaginative, and commonplace; old-fashioned; stuffy
rude; sullenly ill-humored; gloomy; threatening, as of weather conditions
in a position that is turned toward one side; away from the correct course
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