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 Test Questions
GRE Vocabulary: Level 4
abet     Speak
Select answer:
influence or urge by gentle urging or flattering
dispute or contradict, often in an insulting way; challenge
gather; collect; pick up
aid, usually in doing something wrong; encourage
interpret incorrectly; misjudge; mistake the meaning of
Don't select.
aver     Speak
Select answer:
declare to be true; affirm
endure; be persistent, refuse to stop
the drawback or shrink involuntarily, as in pain or from a blow
assault; attack with or as if with violent blows
give vigor to; give life and energy to; strengthen; animate
Don't select.
calumny     Speak
Select answer:
having a softening or soothing effect, especially on skin
unexpected acceleration or hastening; the quantity of water falling to earth
self-control; self-restraint; partial or complete abstention from sexual activity
false statement maliciously made to injure another's reputation; slander
terminology; system of names used in an art or science
Don't select.
debilitate     Speak
Select answer:
lessen the violence of disease; moderate intensity; gloss over with excuses
move back; retreat; withdraw a claim or pretension
mislead; delude; deceive by guile
expose to radiation; cast rays of light upon
make weak; enfeeble; impair the strength of
Don't select.
dispassionate     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
calm; impartial; unaffected by strong emotion or prejudice
aggressive in verbal attack; disputatious
deserving of praise; worthy of high praise
muddy; having sediment disturbed; heavy, dark, or dense, like smoke or fog
not identical on both sides of a dividing central line
Don't select.
doleful     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
fit for growing crops, as by plowing
warlike or hostile in manner or temperament; showing or having the impulse to be combative
sorrowful; filled with or expressing grief; mournful
silently resentful; disposed to keep aloof from society, or to repel the friendly advances of others
heavy; difficult to handle because of weight or bulk
Don't select.
extirpate     Speak
Select answer:
disown; refuse to acknowledge; reject validity or authority of
surrender; end all resistance; give up; go along with or comply
appeal to or entreat earnestly; command or enjoin solemnly, as under oath
teach and impress by frequent repetitions
root out; eradicate, literally or figuratively; destroy wholly
Don't select.
frugality     Speak
Select answer:
downward slope, as of a hill
one of the superior courts of law; the government department that receives and gives out public money
travel or journey, especially by foot, notably by pilgrim
one who is bound by vows to a religion or life of worship or service; devoted adherent of a cause or person or activity
thrift; prudent economy; sparing use
Don't select.
impecunious     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
without money; poor; penniless
dull, slow-moving, and stolid, like an ox; placid and dull
supposed to be accurate; reasonable as a supposition
foul-smelling; having bad or offensive odor
slow; sluggish; wasting time
Don't select.
iniquitous     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
wicked or sinful; immoral; unrighteous
regarded as sacred and inviolable
excessively unwilling to spend; excessively sparing or frugal
sociable; seeking and enjoying the company of others
preventing infection; having cleansing effect
Don't select.
invert     Speak
Select answer:
repair or unite by using fusible metal alloy, usually tin and lead
burn the surface of; roast over the fire, as dry grain; dry to extremity
lessen the violence of disease; moderate intensity; gloss over with excuses
follow a winding and turning course; move aimlessly and idly without fixed direction
turn upside down or inside out; reverse the position, order, or condition of
Don't select.
mordant     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
bitingly painful; harshly ironic or sinister; serving to fix colors in dyeing
demanding strict attention to rules and procedures; binding; rigid
marked by or given to doubt; questioning
abolish, do away with, or annul, especially by authority
put forth or held out as real, actual, or intended; proper or intended to be shown
Don't select.
ostentation     Speak
Select answer:
one who harasses others; one who tries to embarrass others with questions and objections
making ambitious display; unnecessary show; pretentious parade
the interdependent relationship between groups or species, often mutually beneficial
sign of something coming; art or practice of foretelling events by signs or omens
the warmth of disposition and manners; kindliness; sympathy
Don't select.
peculate     Speak
Select answer:
cause to feel happily refreshed and energetic; fill with emotion
combine; fuse; grow together; come together to form one whole; unite
declare openly; acknowledge openly, boldly, and unashamedly
make senseless or dizzy; be a mystery or bewildering to
embezzle;  appropriate fraudulently to one's own use; steal public money entrusted to one's care
Don't select.
proliferate     Speak
Select answer:
grow rapidly; propagate; reproduce
foretell; serve as an omen or a warning of; indicate by prediction
treat ill; abuse; treat roughly.
make invalid; make null; invalidate; counteract force or effectiveness of
be or go before something or someone in time or space
Don't select.
purloin     Speak
Select answer:
steal, often in violation of trust; put away; remove
sparkle or shine, especially shine with a mild, subdued, and fitful luster; emit a soft, scintillating light; gleam
please intensely; fill with great delight or joy
make shiny by rubbing; polish
rejoice; feel extreme happiness
Don't select.
rivet     Speak
Select answer:
pure, highly concentrated essence of a thing
metallic pin with a head, used for uniting two plates or pieces of material together
travel or journey, especially by foot, notably by pilgrim
one who holds to a heresy; one who believes some doctrine contrary to the established faith or prevailing religion
study of the historical development of languages, particularly as manifested in individual words
Don't select.
shirk     Speak
Select answer:
fertilize by transferring pollen
avoid or neglect duty or responsibility; malinger
make holy; set apart for holy or religious use; consecrate; treat or keep as sacred
think earnestly or studiously; meditate; ponder; think deeply
cause disgrace to by malicious and false statements; hold up or expose to ridicule or calumny; defame
Don't select.
tractable     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
concise and full of meaning; using as few words as possible
agreeable; gracious; charming, often in a childlike or naive way
done or achieved with little effort or difficulty; ready or fluent
bringing disgrace; shameful or infamous
easily managed or controlled; governable; easily handled or worked; docile
Don't select.
utilitarian     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
mocking; exposing human folly to ridicule
awkward; lacking grace in movement or posture
absolute; having no exception; of using category or categories
seemingly reasonable but incorrect; misleading intentionally
practical and functional, not just for show
Don't select.