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IELTS Vocabulary: Level 5
allegory     Speak
Select answer:
family descent; series or line of ancestors; lineage
symbolic representation of abstract ideas or principles in narrative, dramatic, or pictorial form
one celebrated for wisdom, experience, and judgment; various plants of the genus Salvia
fog; mist; partially opaque covering; vague or confused state of mind
any tree or shrub of the genus Quercus; durable wood of any of these trees or shrubs
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bellows     Speak
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long, thin, sharp implement usually for piercing such as sewing, or knitting
secretary whose primary duty is to answer the telephone and receive visitors
a mechanical device that blows air onto a fire to make it burn more fiercely
path; track; a trodden path
act of forging, especially the illegal production of something counterfeit
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buggy     Speak
Select answer:
someone chosen to judge and decide the disputed issue;  one having the power to make authoritative decisions
something that helps bring about an action or a desired result; an incentive
any of the hereditary social classes and subclasses of South Asian societies
small, lightweight carriage; drawn by a single horse
act of redeeming or condition of having been redeemed; rescue upon payment of ransom
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congenial     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
avoiding luxury and comfort; sternly disciplined
for a limited time only
serving as an essential component
expressing aversion or dislike; disagreeable
compatible; friendly, and pleasant
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desperately     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
plentiful; containing plenty; affording ample supply
dry; lacking moisture, especially having insufficient rainfall to support trees or plants
with great urgency; seriously; severely
curative; a natural process by which the body repairs itself
morally, socially, or legally obligated to another; under a legal obligation to someone
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enzyme     Speak
Select answer:
any of several complex proteins that are produced by cells and act as catalysts in biochemical reactions
a man's courting of a woman; seeking the affections of a woman
greediness for wealth; the insatiable desire to gain
the principal organ of digestion; abdomen or belly; appetite for food; desire, especially for something difficult
disorderly accumulation of objects; carelessly discarded refuse, such as wastepaper
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fodder     Speak
Select answer:
coarse food for cattle or horses
agreement of opinions; harmonious state of things
painting or drawing included in a book; copy or model that represents in a greatly reduced size
the soldier placed on guard; guard
part of military force which serves on horseback
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grasp     Speak
Select answer:
a thick sweet sticky liquid
battle, assault, or quarrel with violence; wear away by rubbing
ability or power to seize or attain; understanding; comprehension
something added to complete a thing, make up for a deficiency, or extend or strengthen the whole
a sudden or violent twist or wrench of a joint with stretching or tearing of ligaments
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incense     Speak
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smoke or odor produced by the burning of such a substance; the pleasant smell
channel at the eaves of a roof for conveying away the rain; eaves channel; eaves trough
single-mast sailing boat
a company which sells goods
forced labor imposed as a punishment for crime; lack of personal freedom
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justly     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
with honesty; rightfully; fairly
fearless; indicating or springing from courage
aimless; haphazard; at random; not connected with the subject
lacking seriousness; dizzy; frivolous and lighthearted
courtly; lively and spirited; having or displaying great dignity or nobility
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lengthy     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
intensely cold; lacking warmth; stiff and formal in manner
redundant; relatively long in duration; tediously protracted
relating to a province; limited in outlook; unsophisticated
pleasing or attractive to the eye; handsome; graceful
wise or keen; shrewd; with sharp intelligence
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nick     Speak
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foam, or troth, or the sediment, of beer or other in fermentation
rhythmic rise and fall of words or sounds; beat
originally, a vessel of the Mediterranean propelled by sails and by oars; any small vessel on the water
agitation; chemical phenomenon in which an organic molecule splits into simpler substances
shallow notch, cut, or indentation on an edge or a surface; an exact point or critical moment
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pestilence     Speak
Select answer:
disposition or arrangement of troops for attacking an enemy unexpectedly from a concealed station
a person authorized by a commission to perform certain duties; member of a commission
follower; adherent; a person who learns from another, especially one who then teaches others
air pollution by a mixture of smoke and fog
any epidemic disease with a high death rate
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prompt     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
apart; remote in manner; distant physically or emotionally; reserved and remote
cheating; deceitful; planning or using fraud; given to the practice of fraud
being on time; punctual; performed without delay
most advantageous; optimum; ideal
unreasonably burdensome; unjustly severe, rigorous, or harsh
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remedy     Speak
Select answer:
work out with care and detail; develop thoroughly
negate; act against
perform or produce immunity
agree; give consent, often at the insistence of another; concede
relieve or cure; correct; repair
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rite     Speak
Select answer:
face, countenance, or look of a person or an animal
enormous chasm; vast bottomless pit; any deep, immeasurable space; hell
delicately beautiful or charming; exquisite; gratification or pleasure taken in anything
established ceremony prescribed by a religion
any of several complex proteins that are produced by cells and act as catalysts in biochemical reactions
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sentry     Speak
Select answer:
one who tends cattle and performs other duties on horseback; one who is reckless or irresponsible
act of sending off something; the property of being prompt and efficient; message usually sent in haste
covering; umbrella; a cover fixed over a seat or bed
comfort or relieve in sorrow, misfortune, or distress
the soldier placed on guard; guard
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stately     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
not encouraging or approving or pleasing; having or showing opposition
majestic; impressive, as in size or proportions
carried to the utmost extent or degree; of the highest quality; complete; perfect
extending out above or beyond a surface or boundary
attended by favorable circumstances; marked by success; prosperous
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tremor     Speak
Select answer:
the ordinary people who live in a particular country or place
shaking or vibrating movement; slight quiver
profound respect with fear and affection, as for a holy place; showing respect, especially a bow or curtsy
universe or universality of created things; ordered, harmonious whole
science of God or religion
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valiant     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
dull with sleepiness; showing lack of attention
determined by chance or impulse or whim rather than by necessity or reason; capricious
inclined or eager to fight; aggressive
vigorous in the body; strong; powerful; performed with valor or bravery; heroic
refined; made or rendered pure or purer
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