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 Test Questions
Middle School: 6th Grade
accuse     Speak
Select answer:
interpret in the wrong way
spread a liquid or a thick substance over a surface
penetrate; make a hole into
put to death with a weapon, or by violence; put an end to destroy
blame; condemn
Don't select.
avalanche     Speak
Select answer:
commercial center of a town or city
great mass of falling snow and ice
biography or story written by oneself
a small compact portable computer
the action of leaving, especially to start a journey
Don't select.
boast     Speak
Select answer:
encourage; inspirit; fire the imagination of
grip; take hold of or seize firmly with or as if with the hand
put to death with a weapon, or by violence; put an end to destroy
show off oneself; speak of with excessive pride
refuse to go along with; refuse to follow; be disobedient
Don't select.
capitalize     Speak
Select answer:
negotiate the terms and conditions of a transaction
take the chance to gain advantage from
contest or fight with others who are trying to do the same
cook food beforehand to shortened the cooking or heating time when eating it
move usually in an uncontrolled manner but smoothly along a surface
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choice     Speak
Select answer:
the area in which something exists or lives
a stringed instrument usually having six strings, played by strumming or plucking
mark of damage; mark left on the skin after injury
a message transmitted by telegraph
an act of selecting or making a decision
Don't select.
curl     Speak
Select answer:
invent and offer reasons to support or overthrow an opinion; debate
grip; take hold of or seize firmly with or as if with the hand
form into coiled or spiral shape; twist into ringlets or coils; move in curve or spiral
reinforce; make strong or increase the strength of
revoke; call off; omit or delete
Don't select.
defiant     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
unable to be believed because unlikely
incomplete; fragmentary; favoring one person or side over another or others
belonging or connected to a country that is not your own
turned into ice; affected by freezing or by long and severe cold
boldly resisting authority or an opposing force
Don't select.
drown     Speak
Select answer:
change toward something smaller or lower
make a low, rough sound, usually in anger, as angry dog
cook food beforehand to shortened the cooking or heating time when eating it
contest or fight with others who are trying to do the same
cause to die by being unable to breathe underwater
Don't select.
fireplace     Speak
Select answer:
a word that has the same last sound as another word
a public official authorized to decide questions brought to a court
phone, a device that uses electrical signals to make it possible to speak to someone in another place
an open recess in a wall at the base of a chimney where a fire can be built
the act or process of decorating
Don't select.
grandparent     Speak
Select answer:
a parent of your father or mother
a short, sharp pin with a flat, round top, used especially for putting up notices to a board
a person qualified to treat the diseases that affect the teeth and gums
combination of three or more notes that blend harmoniously when sounded together
essay, a piece of writing
Don't select.
inspire     Speak
Select answer:
encourage; inspirit; fire the imagination of
labor or study imposed by another, especially one done regularly, unwillingly, or with difficulty
make something slightly wet or to become slightly wet; humidify
travel with; be associated with
respire; inhale and exhale air
Don't select.
knowledgeable     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
precisely agreeing with standard, fact, or truth
highly educated; having extensive information or understanding
full of joy; very happy
full of loud and nonmusical sounds
ridiculously unreasonable; foolish
Don't select.
mysterious     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
based on experience rather than ideas or imagination; useful
slightly wet; damp or humid
stubbornly and often recklessly willful; unyielding
beyond ordinary understanding
capable of being bent or flexed
Don't select.
notebook     Speak
Select answer:
long, narrow upper section or crest; chain of hills or mountains
mental image of something that is not real or true
a small compact portable computer
the act of cutting the hair
a large organized group of singers, especially one that performs together
Don't select.
premature     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
not established to make a profit
precisely agreeing with standard, fact, or truth
too soon; too early; occurring before a state of readiness
capable of being bent or flexed
at half the distance; half the distance between two places
Don't select.
requirement     Speak
Select answer:
building that houses judicial courts
a food used for cooking and spreading on bread, similar to butter but softer
a bird with a round body and a short tail that is sometimes hunted for food or for sport
combination of three or more notes that blend harmoniously when sounded together
something indispensable; something that you must do, or something you need
Don't select.
selection     Speak
Select answer:
gymnastic equipment consisting of a strong canvas sheet attached with springs to let person jump up and down on
quake from underground
act of choosing someone or something; choice or collection
the work of cleaning and running a house
artifact made by weaving or knitting natural or synthetic fibers
Don't select.
sleigh     Speak
Select answer:
a short, sharp pin with a flat, round top, used especially for putting up notices to a board
a whitish area caused by a fungus, usually if the conditions are warm and wet
a musical instrument consisting of a slightly concave round brass plate
a vehicle mounted on runners and pulled by horses or dogs; for transportation over snow
chance or situation that makes it possible to do something that you want to do
Don't select.
statue     Speak
Select answer:
the act of cutting the hair
a person or firm that employs workers
sculpture representing a human or animal
furniture for sitting or reclining, like sofa
essay, a piece of writing
Don't select.
towel     Speak
Select answer:
sculpture representing a human or animal
commercial center of a town or city
an educational institution for children too young for elementary school
a shelf on which to keep books
rectangular cloth or paper for drying or wiping
Don't select.