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 Test Questions
Middle School: 8th Grade
acquittal     Speak
Select answer:
someone who is admired and respected very much
minute life form; microorganism, especially a bacterium that causes disease
branch of physics that studies celestial bodies and universe as a whole
a thick, white sauce made from oil, vinegar, and the yellow part of eggs, usually eaten cold
state of being found or proved not guilty; judgment of not guilty
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apprentice     Speak
Select answer:
one skilled particularly in the technical details of work
sweet topping, especially for pies made of beaten egg whites and sugar
management by overseeing the performance and making certain that everything is done correctly
a vehicle like a bicycle with only one wheel
works for an expert to learn a trade; beginner or learner
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bilingual     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
physically violent and frightening; extremely severe or violent
periodic; on and off; stopping and starting at intervals
upright in position or posture
using or able to use two languages, especially with equal or nearly equal fluency
vertical or upright; intersecting at or forming right angles; extremely steep
Don't select.
boundary     Speak
Select answer:
dividing line that marks the edge or limit of something; border
a government official with a particular responsibility
small squares of pasta, often filled with meat or cheese, that are cooked in boiling water
state of being unable to make a choice; a lack of firmness of character or purpose
paper cut to right size for writing letters; writing materials and office supplies
Don't select.
competitive     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
unhappy and with no hope or enthusiasm
fixed or immobile; not capable of being moved
wanting very much to win or be more successful than other people
reasonable; based on known statements or events or conditions
fair; showing lack of favoritism
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consumable     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
periodic; on and off; stopping and starting at intervals
unpleasant or unattractive; not agreeing with tastes or expectations
intended to be used up and then replaced; possible to eat, drink, or use up completely
rich and superior in quality; lavish
expected or expecting to be something particular in the future
Don't select.
descendant     Speak
Select answer:
a dangerous storm which is a spinning cone of wind that destroys anything in its path
sudden unforeseen crisis; condition of urgent need for action or assistance
former occupant of post; ancestor or forefather
writing that is about real events and facts
a person related to someone from an earlier generation; offspring
Don't select.
embarrass     Speak
Select answer:
uphold or retain; maintain in safety from injury, peril, or harm
eat away; wear away by abrasion; become worn
make something else seem better or more attractive when combining with it
support a person or activity by giving money or other help
cause someone to feel nervous, worried, or uncomfortable
Don't select.
examination     Speak
Select answer:
a public event or show that is exciting to watch; an exciting appearance
public institutions that report the news, such as newspapers, radio, and tv
partner in crime; associate in wrongdoing
application of science, especially to industrial or commercial objectives
formal systematic questioning
Don't select.
gauge     Speak
Select answer:
measuring instrument; measure or judge
lack of respect for
something that is allowed or given up, often to end a disagreement; act of yielding
criminal act of capturing and carrying away by force
a dangerous storm which is a spinning cone of wind that destroys anything in its path
Don't select.
implicate     Speak
Select answer:
give or bring back; return to its original condition
show that someone is involved in a crime or partly responsible for something bad
say a word or a letter in a correct way
make an official examination of the accounts of a business and produce a report
make low, confused, and indistinct sound, like that of running water
Don't select.
interior     Speak
Select answer:
a body of water cut off from a larger body by a reef of sand or coral
sudden unforeseen crisis; condition of urgent need for action or assistance
a powerful circular current of water, usually the result of conflicting tides
inside part of something; inner part
a person whose job is to make people laugh by telling jokes and funny stories
Don't select.
maneuver     Speak
Select answer:
any of a group of natural substances that are necessary in small amounts for the growth and good health
a movement or set of movements needing skill and care; strategy
illegal, bad, or dishonest behaviour, especially by people in positions of power; bribery or fraud
small machine that is used for mathematical calculations
science which treats the structure and mineral constitution of the globe
Don't select.
motorist     Speak
Select answer:
someone who drives, or travels in, an automobile
writing that is about real events and facts
a time interval during which there is a temporary cessation
a health professional trained in the art of preparing and dispensing drugs
act of supplying or fitting out; food and other necessary items provided
Don't select.
pavilion     Speak
Select answer:
a large building in which sports or entertainments take place
a good understanding of someone; an ability to communicate well with people; emotional closeness
token of remembrance; something you buy or keep to help remember a holiday or special event
observer or audience; one who looks on
paper cut to right size for writing letters; writing materials and office supplies
Don't select.
possession     Speak
Select answer:
a short period between the parts of a play or concert; interval during which there is a temporary cessation
a physicist who studies astronomy
quality of being just; fairness in the way people are dealt with; uprightness
a decorative light that hangs from the ceiling with a number of bulbs or candles
act of having and controlling property; belongings
Don't select.
punctuation     Speak
Select answer:
something that is allowed or given up, often to end a disagreement; act of yielding
form containing a set of questions, submitted to people to gain statistical information
considering something similar or of equal quality to something else
state of being grateful; warm and friendly feeling toward a benefactor; thankfulness
marks to clarify meaning of written material by grouping words into sentences, clauses, and phrases
Don't select.
shear     Speak
Select answer:
lessen or reduce; make a quantity smaller
cut or clip hair; strip of something; remove by cutting or clipping
support a person or activity by giving money or other help
refer for judgment or consideration; hand in; present
educate a society so that its culture becomes more developed
Don't select.
specialist     Speak
Select answer:
a person you spend a lot of time with, often because of friends or travelling together; partner
a group of stars in the sky that appear to form a pattern and that have a name
a reference work containing articles on various topics
someone who has a lot of experience, knowledge, or skill in a particular subject
minute life form; microorganism, especially a bacterium that causes disease
Don't select.
tournament     Speak
Select answer:
a person qualified to practice medicine; a medical doctor but not a surgeon
one who has committed a crime; one who is found guilty by verdict
half of a circle, or something in this shape
sporting competition in which contestants play a series of games to decide the winner; contest
social science that studies origins and social relationships of human beings
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