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 Test Questions
SAT Vocabulary: Level 1
accord     Speak
Select answer:
a person who turns animal hides into leather; craftsman who tans skins and hides;  sixpence
settlement or compromise of conflicting opinions; written agreement between two states
hiding place; secret store of valuables or money
tricky or dangerous situation; dilemma; troublesome
minor crime; ill behavior; evil conduct; misdeed
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anonymity     Speak
Select answer:
small cave, usually with attractive features
state of being nameless; one that is unknown or unacknowledged
anger aroused by something unjust
one that takes position of another; substitute
payment by a husband to his divorced wife, or vice versa
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bland     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
stubbornly and often recklessly willful; unyielding
expressing low opinion; disparaging; belittling
pertinent; having a connection with the matter at hand
existing in possibility; expected to become or be
lacking stimulating or mild; agreeable
Don't select.
caption     Speak
Select answer:
unlikely occurrence; stroke of good luck; accident
ray of light; a long piece of metal or wood; long piece fixed or movable in structure, machine, or tool
operatic solo; a solo vocal piece with instrumental accompaniment
title; chapter heading; text under illustration
special honor or respect shown or expressed publicly; tribute
Don't select.
concede     Speak
Select answer:
set out for display or use; place in orderly arrangement
shine with a weak or fitful light; glimmer intermittently
complete; consummate; make perfect
admit; yield; give up physical control of another
take apart; disassemble; tear down
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demise     Speak
Select answer:
prescribed diet and habits; a systematic plan for therapy; governmental rule or control
small opening; means of escape or release; outlet; hole for the escape of gas or air
the good or just reason; condition or fact of being justified
end of existence or activity; termination
ability; degree or grade of excellence or worth; diameter of a tube or gun barrel
Don't select.
entourage     Speak
Select answer:
agonizing physical or mental pain; extreme suffering
a group of attendants or associates; one's environment
wise and trusted counselor or teacher
close attention; work of applying something; verbal or written request for assistance
calamity; disaster; state of extreme ruin and misfortune
Don't select.
finesse     Speak
Select answer:
the whip used to inflict punishment; severe punishment
extraordinary ability; military bravery; superior skill or ability
refinement and delicacy of performance; skillful, subtle handling
promise or pledge; certainty; self-confidence; freedom from doubt
tropical cyclone occurring in the western Pacific; a violent whirlwind
Don't select.
grotesque     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
pertaining to passionate love; tending to arouse sexual desire
without an equal; being the only one of its kind
uncorrupted by civilization; primitive; remaining free from dirt or decay
rude; sullenly ill-humored; gloomy; threatening, as of weather conditions
fantastic; comically hideous; unnatural in shape or size; abnormal
Don't select.
implicate     Speak
Select answer:
incriminate; involve or imply as necessary accompaniment or result
make an energetic, usually hasty search
prevent; turn or cause to turn off or away
contract into wrinkles; grow together; form into fabric by intertwining
give up temporarily; yield; give up voluntarily; defer
Don't select.
ingrate     Speak
Select answer:
small opening; means of escape or release; outlet; hole for the escape of gas or air
unthankful; ungrateful; one who rewards favors with enmity
storage place for military equipment; a stock of weapons
partner in crime; associate in wrongdoing
standstill resulting from the opposition of two forces or factions; stalemate
Don't select.
menial     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
imposed as an obligation or duty; currently holding an office
overconfident; going beyond what is right or proper; excessively forward
slightly obscure; unclear, confused, or uncertain
suitable for servant; having low nature
completely lacking; barren or empty
Don't select.
minute     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
relating to foundation or base; elementary; primary; essential
extremely small; short note
held in common; of a group of people
apart; remote in manner; distant physically or emotionally; reserved and remote
related to dogs; dog-like; affecting or derived from dogs
Don't select.
ominous     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
more than enough in size or scope or capacity; relatively large
threatening; foreshadowing evil or tragic developments
generous; high-minded; chivalrous
punishing; involving punishment; awarding or inflicting punishment
directly ahead; straightforward
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prodigal     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
wasteful; reckless with money
poisonous; caused by a toxin or other poison
not obligatory; left to choice; not compulsory or automatic
arousing anger or interest; tending to provoke or stimulate
no longer useful; outmoded; antiquated
Don't select.
reprehensible     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
deserving blame; admonition; blameworthy
not practical or applied; hypothetical; of or based on a theory
causing anger, displeasure, resentment, or affront
having no previous example; novel; unparalleled
dull; lacking color; lacking in liveliness, charm, or surprise
Don't select.
robust     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
vigorous; full of health and strength; vigorous
marked by kindness, mercy, or compassion
cheap in nature or appearance;  tastelessly showy; shameful or indecent
excessively or hypocritically pious; possessing sanctity; sacred; holy; saintly; religious
suspicious or distrustful; wary; cautious
Don't select.
strut     Speak
Select answer:
display in order to impress others; swagger; walk with a lofty proud gait
sharpen; perfect or make more intense or effective
become worse; decline; fall
recover; find and bring in; get back
defame; destroy confidence in; disbelieve
Don't select.
tether     Speak
Select answer:
remove the fuse of the bomb; reduce or eliminate the threat
drink greedily; flood with water, as for washing
fill with delight or wonder; put into a trance; attract
mock; ridicule; show or express scorn; eat quickly and greedily
tie with rope; fasten or restrict with rope or chain
Don't select.
ulterior     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
ill-humored; sullen; depressingly dark; gloomy; persistent
gracious; showing warmth and friendliness
lively; vigorous; inducing enthusiasm or excitement; stirring
beyond or outside of immediate interest; coming at a subsequent time or stage
shining intensely and blindingly; staring with anger or fierceness
Don't select.