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 Test Questions
SAT Vocabulary: Level 3
affix     Speak
Select answer:
cause to become sick; fill with disgust
fasten; append; add on; secure to something
depress or discourage with fear; grow faint or become weak
copy; write over again in same words
become slower; loosen; become less vigorous, intense, or severe
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anthology     Speak
Select answer:
great excitement; public disorder or uproar
recollection; process of remembering
friendship; peaceful relations, as between nations
a small group of persons secretly united to promote their own interests
book of literary selections by various authors
Don't select.
befuddle     Speak
Select answer:
lessen price or value of; think or speak of as being of little worth; belittle
surrender; end all resistance; give up; go along with or comply
confuse thoroughly; becloud and confuse, as with liquor; make stupid with alcohol
act evasively in order to gain time, avoid an argument, or postpone a decision
ridicule; make fun of; laugh at with contempt
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climactic     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
serving to compensate or as compensation; making amends; repaying
very bad; extremely inferiorl; intolerable; very hateful
accustomed; made tough by habitual exposure
wordy; using or containing a great and usually an excessive number of words
relating to the highest point; ascending or leading to climax
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demoniac     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
fictional, relating to imaginative creation
extremely evil or cruel; possessed or controlled by a demon
unattractive; unimpressive or unremarkable; dull and ordinary
having or covered with protective barbs or others; very irritable
spotted; having mottled or spotted skin or coat
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dissolution     Speak
Select answer:
quality of not moving; remaining in place
state of being discomposed; disorder; agitation; disturbance; inconsistency; disagreement
breaking of union; decomposition into fragments or parts; extinction of life; decay
the most powerful members of society
one who wastes, especially one who wastes money; idler or loafer
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encompass     Speak
Select answer:
avoid or neglect duty or responsibility; malinger
be next to; be contiguous to; border on
accustom or become accustomed to a new environment or situation; adapt
strip leaves or branches from; cause leaves of plant, tree, or forest to fall off, especially by use of chemicals
surround; form a circle or ring around; enclose; envelop
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fitful     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
completely happy and contented; showing or producing exalted joy
inoffensive expression of fat; stout
cowardly; lacking strength and firmness of mind
intermittently stopping and starting; irregular; variable; unstable
daily; relating to or occurring in a 24-hour period
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grapple     Speak
Select answer:
clarify; free from mystery or obscurity
wrestle; come to grips with; seize firmly, as with the hands
look on or treat a person as a celebrity; visit famous places in order to revere them
burn without flame; be liable to break out at any moment
assume the existence of; put forward, as for consideration or study; suggest
Don't select.
insolvent     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
pardonable; able to be forgiven; trivial
bankrupt; unable to repay one's debts
lacking definite form or limits; hazy; cloudy
needlessly repetitious; using repetition or excessive wordiness
of a speech given in farewell, especially one delivered by an outstanding member of graduating class
Don't select.
lionize     Speak
Select answer:
make impure by adding inferior or tainted substances
pound, crush, or grind to powder or dust
rise and fall in or as if in waves; shift; vary irregularly
look on or treat a person as a celebrity; visit famous places in order to revere them
ridicule; subject to abusive ridicule expressed in work of art
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mendicant     Speak
Select answer:
member of working class; blue collar person
friendship; peaceful relations, as between nations
state of being multiplex or various; condition of being numerous; a large number
lazy person; person habitually lazy, idle, and slow; sluggish; lazy
beggar; religious friar forbidden to own personal property who begs for a living
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nonplus     Speak
Select answer:
frighten; abate the courage of; discourage
give inclination toward; make susceptible to; settle or dispose of in advance
perplex or bewilder someone; confound or flummox
make liquids murky by stirring up sediment
push oneself or one's ideas forward or intrude; stick out or extrude
Don't select.
phylum     Speak
Select answer:
a major class of plants; primary branch of the animal kingdom; division
swamp gas; heavy, vaporous atmosphere, often emanating from decaying matter; pervasive corrupting influence
a person skilled in testing for defects of vision in order to prescribe corrective glasses
domination, influence, or authority over another, especially by political group or nation over others
undoubted or self-evident truth; obvious truth
Don't select.
plod     Speak
Select answer:
move or walk heavily or laboriously;  travel slowly but steadily
renounce or deny something, especially under oath; swear falsely, usually under pressure
force or push out; drive away; displace or remove, as a person from a place or office
broaden or clarify by expanding; intensify; make larger or more powerful; increase
discharge; release liquid in drops or small quantities
Don't select.
recurrent     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
reclining; lying down completely or in part
occurring or appearing again or repeatedly
not domestic; wild; existing in a wild or untamed state
flexible; yielding; easily bent or shaped
diligent; hardworking; persevering, and constant in effort or application
Don't select.
satiate     Speak
Select answer:
steal in small quantities or articles of small value; practice petty theft
officially charge someone in a court of law
attach; add as supplement or appendix
place over something else; place on top of
satisfy fully; overeat or eat immodestly; make a pig of oneself
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spendthrift     Speak
Select answer:
animals having a bony or cartilaginous skeleton with a segmented spinal column
one who spends money recklessly or wastefully
branch of acoustics concerned with speech processes, including its production and perception
resemblance to remote ancestors rather than to parents; deformity returning after the passage of two or more generations
opinion, doctrine, or principle held as being true by person or organization
Don't select.
thematic     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
lacking substance or reality; insignificant; frail; not firm or solid
lacking self-restraint; lacking sexual restraint; unchaste
relating to motif or idea; relating to theme or topic
slightly sour in taste or manner; sharp; caustic
powerful; mighty; strong; vigorous; forcible
Don't select.
unctuous     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
thin; slight; lacking clarity or distinctness
capable of being bribed; for sale, available for a price; corrupt
fearful; demonstrating fear; weakly hesitant
dull, slow-moving, and stolid, like an ox; placid and dull
oily; composed of oil or fat; characterized by affected, exaggerated, or insincere earnestness
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