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 Test Questions
TOEFL Vocabulary: Level 1
approve     Speak
Select answer:
remove the cover from; expose; disclose
tear or be torn violently; criticize or abuse forcefully and violently
stress; underscore; utter or pronounce with a particular stress of voice
ratify; consider right or good; think or speak favorably of
terminate; make a break in
Don't select.
aviator     Speak
Select answer:
unit of poem, written or printed as a paragraph
someone who operates an aircraft
stimulation that arouses a person to lively action
something produces a result; the basis for an action or response; a reason
small concavity; a position particularly well suited to the person who occupies it
Don't select.
cling     Speak
Select answer:
try to stir up public opinion; promote the growth of; apply warm lotion to
hold fast or adhere to something; stick together and resist separation; remain emotionally
unwrap; unfold; remove the contents of
sever into two or more parts or pieces; separate into parts; cause to be separate
speculate; suppose; believe especially on uncertain or tentative grounds
Don't select.
consequence     Speak
Select answer:
something that completes or makes up a whole or brings to perfection
something happens without design; chance; hazard; risk; danger
symbol; sign; distinctive badge, design, or device
result; relation of a result to its cause; logical conclusion or inference
someone who flies a balloon
Don't select.
critical     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
solitary; by oneself, not with any other people
striking one object against another sharply
rotary; curled; moving in a zigzag course; moving in the shape of a coil
rich; fruitful; inventive; creative; intellectually productive
urgently needed; absolutely necessary; essential; acute; crucial; decisive
Don't select.
disrupt     Speak
Select answer:
weave; interweave three or more strands
set or keep apart; disunite; divide; disconnect
upset; throw into confusion or disorder
stabilize; fix; cause to be unable to move
make impure or unclean by contact or mixture; pollute; defile
Don't select.
exploitation     Speak
Select answer:
symbol; sign; distinctive badge, design, or device
specialist; a person with expert knowledge or training, especially in the fine arts
unfair use of someone's work, giving little in return
state of refreshing tranquility; an act of making less strict
standard or scale of measurement; an instrument for measuring or testing
Don't select.
grateful     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
subordinate; secondary; serving to assist or supplement
made from sediment left by the action of water, ice, or wind
worthy of notice; extraordinary
wide; generous or large in area or extent; sizable
thankful; appreciative of benefits received
Don't select.
grim     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
unrelenting; rigid; dismal and gloomy; cold and forbidding
unfriendly; showing the disposition of an enemy
self-indulgent; moral decay
remainder; more than is needed; quantity much larger than is needed; remaining
round; shaped like or nearly like a circle
Don't select.
instrumentalist     Speak
Select answer:
swamp; bog; low lying wetland with grassy vegetation
relation or agreement between things; fitness; harmony; correspondence; consistency.
something expected; pleasurable expectation; wishing with confidence
someone who plays a musical instrument
tunnel; hole in the ground made by an animal for shelter; moving through by or as by digging
Don't select.
march     Speak
Select answer:
something given or received as payment as for a service or loss or injury
variation; act of changing forms or qualities
seat, especially a royal seat; throne or rank; sitting before a fortified place; surrounding of a place by an army
tenant; one that occupies a position or place
walking with regular steps; a procession of people walking together; steady advance
Don't select.
misfortune     Speak
Select answer:
bad fortune or ill luck; bad luck
state of being present; current existence
reliance; lack of independence or self-sufficiency
tune; pleasing succession or arrangement of sounds; poem suitable for setting to music or singing
representation of common ground between two things; extend over and cover a part of
Don't select.
patronage     Speak
Select answer:
sponsorship; support; state of being a sponsor
a structure that provides privacy and protection from danger
the rounded part of a cylindrical structure; electric lamp consisting of a glass ball
special group delegated to consider some matter
tall woody perennial grasses with hollow slender stems
Don't select.
provoke     Speak
Select answer:
stir to anger; give rise to; stir to action or feeling
revoke; call off; omit or delete
remove water from; dry out; lose water or bodily fluids
represent; embody the essential characteristics of or be a typical example of
set up; connect or set in position and prepare for use
Don't select.
reckless     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
with elaboration; with perplexity
capable of acting on or influencing each other
headstrong; rash; indifferent to or disregardful of consequences
sound of a sudden heavy fall; well-rounded and full in form
wandering; traveling place to place, especially to perform work or duty
Don't select.
sedentary     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
ultimate; occurring at an unspecified time in the future
separately; individually; in the order given
requiring sitting; involving little exercise or physical activity; living in one area, not migratory
rich and superior in quality; lavish
stinging; sharp in taste or smell; caustic
Don't select.
starch     Speak
Select answer:
something that is desired intensely; state of extreme anger
an established disposition of the mind or character; distinctive dress, especially of a religious order
a task that was given to students; job; distribution; appointment
naturally abundant nutrient carbohydrate, found chiefly in the seeds, fruits
review; look back upon; remember
Don't select.
suspense     Speak
Select answer:
warm-blooded vertebrate having skin covered with hair
segment; fragment; a small proportion of
token that postal fee has been paid; charge for mailing something
uncertain cognitive state; uncertainty
the liquid that carries food to all parts of a plant; essential bodily fluid
Don't select.
unbearable     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
unforgettable; worthy of being remembered; very important or remarkable
unendurable; so unpleasant, distasteful, or painful as to be intolerable
timid; bashful; easily startled; distrustful
repeated; returning again; repetitious
spanning or crossing or on the farther side of a continent
Don't select.
urbane     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
without alteration or misrepresentation
relating to diplomacy; marked by tact and sensitivity in dealing with others
selfless; self-forgetting; generous or altruistic
wide-ranging knowledge; intricate; intellectually appealing
showing a high degree of refinement
Don't select.