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 Test Questions
TOEFL Vocabulary: Level 2
aim     Speak
Select answer:
point or direct towards an object or spot with the intent of hitting it
moving or going forward; proceeding onward; advancing
record of a voyage or flight; a record of day to day activities
mentally quick; moving quickly and lightly
outer layer; covering; coat; shell
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bluff     Speak
Select answer:
movement; an act of changing location; ability or power to move
the pretense of strength; mislead or deceive
the boundary line of a circle,  figure, area, or object
total of two or more quantities; aggregate; sum
public institutions that report the news, such as newspapers, magazines, radio, and television
Don't select.
brain     Speak
Select answer:
realization; consciousness; having knowledge of
one who operates the projector in a movie house
people who take part in
organ or seat of the intellect; understanding or imagination
protective covering or structure; protect; guard
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contamination     Speak
Select answer:
predicament; state of uncertainty or between equally unfavorable options
probability of a specified outcome; likelihood of the occurrence of one thing, as in a contest
raid; attack; an act of invading, especially the entrance of an armed force into a territory to conquer
pollution; the process of making a material or surface unclean or unsuited for its intended purpose
one who rides a horse or performs on horseback
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dated     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
prior to or preparing for the main matter; introductory
of first rank or importance or value; essential or basic
relating to or affecting or functioning as a gland
exhibiting courtesy and politeness; showing regard or thought for others
old-fashioned; obsolete
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diet     Speak
Select answer:
medical prescription; a set of directions for making or preparing something, especially food
a person who has equal standing with another or others, as in rank, class, or age
one of four equal parts; a fourth part or portion
nutritional plan; nourishment; a prescribed selection of foods
refuge; shelter; harbor or anchorage; port
Don't select.
equilibrium     Speak
Select answer:
one who works underwater
nutritional plan; nourishment; a prescribed selection of foods
one who believes in the existence of a god; one who discriminates based on religion
a long heroic poem, or similar work of art
mental or emotional balance; state of balance of any causes, powers, or motives
Don't select.
gallery     Speak
Select answer:
whirling sensation in the head; feeling about to fall
part; nature;  description of a person's attributes, traits, or abilities
a person who seeks to overturn established government; advocate of abolishing authority
long usually narrow room; covered corridor
overprice; a price that is too high
Don't select.
homemade     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
made at home, usually by hands
of or relating to congress, especially to the Congress of the United States
opposite; reversed in order, nature, or effect; turned upside down
not agreeing with tastes or expectations
of the same kin; related by blood
Don't select.
incisive     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
penetrating, clear, and sharp, as in operation or expression
reactive; readily reacting to people or events; showing emotion
no longer useful; outmoded; antiquated
pertaining to the science of the function of living organisms
random; difficult to foretell or foresee
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introspective     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
not fitting; lacking in harmony or compatibility
relating to, or contributing to a sense of smell
relating to basic facts or principles; being in the earliest stages of development; incipient
meant or adapted for an occasion or use
looking within oneself; thoughtful about oneself; studying or exhibiting one's own internal state
Don't select.
migrate     Speak
Select answer:
make too low an estimate of the quantity; undervalue
move from one country or region to another and settle there
outlive; live longer than
make greater, as in size, extent, or quantity
make steady progress; prosper; flourish
Don't select.
nonconformist     Speak
Select answer:
light; brightness; fierce or angry stare
one who refuses to conform to established standards of conduct; not conforming to some norm; unconventional
nourishing substance; source of nourishment, especially the nourishing ingredient in a food
machines in which food can be stored at low temperatures
litigation; suit at law or in equity; action or proceeding in a civil court
Don't select.
paralyze     Speak
Select answer:
model; fit tightly, follow the contours of; frame; make something for a specific shape; become moldy
put in proper order; dispose in the manner intended, or best suited for the purpose
moderate; tone down or restrain;  bring to the desired consistency; adjust finely
make powerless and unable to function; disable
connect or join together; combine
Don't select.
rancher     Speak
Select answer:
one that refuses to abide or be independent; an unbranded range animal
moral corruption or contamination; invasion of the body which can lead to tissue damage and disease
one who owns or operates a ranch or farm
the relative proportion of salt in a solution; the taste experience when salt is taken into the mouth
lens used to concentrate light on an object; an apparatus that converts vapor into liquid
Don't select.
reverse     Speak
Select answer:
recover; find and bring in; get back
make greater, as in size, extent, or quantity
raise; give a promotion to or assign to a higher position
overturn; turn inside out or upside down; turning in the opposite direction
pay; provide; have the financial means for; bear the cost of
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shot     Speak
Select answer:
one of the large landmasses of the earth
photographic view or exposure
predecessor; one who goes before or announces the coming of another
organization of performers and associated personnel
procedure for religious ceremonies; any customary practice
Don't select.
solution     Speak
Select answer:
most important spring in a mechanical device; chief motivating force
one who divides something into pieces by cutting; making decorative wooden panels
method for solving a problem; successful action of solving a problem
one who differs in opinion, or one who declares his disagreement
quality of moving freely; movement; motion
Don't select.
tide     Speak
Select answer:
philanthropic; one devoted to the promotion of human welfare and social reforms
the relation between things or events; shifting from one form of transportation to another
plan; directions for making something; a group of symbols that make a mathematical statement
periodic rise and fall of the sea level
one who forges and shapes iron with a hammer and anvil
Don't select.
unsatisfactory     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
readily or easily influenced; suggestible; capable of receiving impressions; emotional
possessed at birth; inborn
not giving satisfaction;  inadequate
neighboring; being in contact at some point or line; joining to
not such as to convince or to impress seriously
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