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 Test Questions
TOEFL Vocabulary: Level 2
acute     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
greater rank or station or quality; excellent
quickly perceptive; keen; having a sharp point or tip; extremely sharp or severe
prominent; celebrated, well-known, or eminent because of past achievements
persuasive; believable;  effective as proof or evidence
negligent; taking insufficient care; reckless
Don't select.
audible     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
without parallel, equal, or match; unequaled
perceptible; heard or perceptible by the ear
mobile; easily or conveniently transported
of or relating to training or instruction
reckless; carefree; showing lack of care for consequences
Don't select.
census     Speak
Select answer:
prize or award offered free or at a reduced price after buying something else; payment for insurance
long usually narrow room; covered corridor
nib; the horny projecting mouth of a bird
a person engaged in caring for children when the parents are not home
official examination of the details of a country's population
Don't select.
compensate     Speak
Select answer:
make steady progress; prosper; flourish
provide written evidence; record in detail
make amends for; reimburse
make a firm decision about; find a solution to
make young again; restore to youthful vigor or appearance
Don't select.
courier     Speak
Select answer:
a person who carries a message
moving from one setting or context to another; moving slightly
ornament, hanging from a necklace; one of a matched pair; a companion piece
movement; an act of changing location; ability or power to move
prevention; measure taken beforehand; an act of foresight
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dental     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
muddy; swampy; resembling a marsh; boggy; soft and watery
of informal spoken language or conversation; conversational or chatty
of or relating to the teeth
mocking; exposing human folly to ridicule
neighboring; being in contact at some point or line; joining to
Don't select.
equestrian     Speak
Select answer:
oddity; departure from that which is stated, regular, or usual; deviation from the center
one who rides a horse or performs on horseback
period of your life after you have stopped work at a certain age
patron; one that buys goods or services
prolongation; extension by which something is carried to a further point
Don't select.
flint     Speak
Select answer:
possibility of future success; belief about future
massive, somewhat impure variety of quartz, in color of a gray to brown or black, breaking with fracture and sharp edge
belief in supernatural power regarded as creator and governor of the universe
a person who inherits some title or office
period of greatest popularity, success, or power; the golden age
Don't select.
guarantee     Speak
Select answer:
natural attraction, liking, or feeling of kinship; relationship by marriage
part; nature;  description of a person's attributes, traits, or abilities
quality of disagreeing; being unsuitable and inappropriate
a machine that automatically supplies some material; one that supplies food:
pledge that something will happen or that something is true
Don't select.
impressionable     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
permitting leaks or leakage; permitting liquids to penetrate
readily or easily influenced; suggestible; capable of receiving impressions; emotional
not applicable; unrelated; having no connection with
metropolitan;  of, relating to, or located in a city
plain; simple; made of cloth spun or woven in the home
Don't select.
intermediate     Speak
a. or ad.  
Select answer:
middle; lying between two extremes
perceptible; heard or perceptible by the ear
produced by imagination; characterized by vision or foresight; imaginary; idealistic
mechanized; operating with minimal human intervention; independent of external control
of a quantity not able to fulfill a need or requirement
Don't select.
mushroom     Speak
Select answer:
practice; drill; engage in preparation for a public performance
nick; set in from margin;  impress or stamp
pass into or through; penetrate with hostile intent
multiply, grow, or expand rapidly
make impure; make unfit for or harmful to living things, especially by the addition of waste matter
Don't select.
nonviolence     Speak
Select answer:
recognition; taste; judgment or opinion, especially a favorable one
likeness; similarity in appearance or external or superficial details
meeting for consultation or discussion; exchange of views
protection; exemption from normal legal duties
peaceful resistance by fasting or refusing to cooperate
Don't select.
parallel     Speak
Select answer:
pamphlet; small book usually having a paper cover
make or place something to another's side; of or relating to multiple operations at the same time; not intersecting
procedure for religious ceremonies; any customary practice
outbreak;  sudden, often violent outburst
one who amuses people, such as a singer, dancer, comedian, magician
Don't select.
prolong     Speak
Select answer:
make longer; draw out; lengthen
move or bring by force or with great effort
make laws; create or pass laws
move into; intrude; enter by force in order to conquer or pillage
make white or colorless; blanch
Don't select.
retrieve     Speak
Select answer:
provide written evidence; record in detail
negate; act against
receive from an ancestor by legal succession or will; receive by bequest or as a legacy
recover; find and bring in; get back
obtain or receive from a source; trace the origin or development of
Don't select.
saliva     Speak
Select answer:
one who argues in support of something; advocate; backer
a small piece or bit; fragment; fragment; leftover bits of food; remnant
organized opposition to authority
nourishing substance; source of nourishment, especially the nourishing ingredient in a food
the liquid that is produced naturally in the mouth
Don't select.
stationery     Speak
Select answer:
paper cut to the right size for writing letters; writing materials and office supplies
a new or different interpretation
protective covering or structure; protect; guard
meeting for consultation or discussion; exchange of views
one who performs magic tricks to amuse an audience; sorcerer; wizard
Don't select.
system     Speak
Select answer:
product made during the manufacture of something else
medical treatment that involves cutting open a person's body
payment or expense; output
organized structure for arranging or classifying
outburst; roll or be tossed about on waves, as a boat
Don't select.
trend     Speak
Select answer:
one who performs magic tricks to amuse an audience; sorcerer; wizard
the main ascending axis of a plant; a stalk or trunk
popular taste; the general direction in which something tends to move
personnel who assist superior to carry out an assigned task
part; nature;  description of a person's attributes, traits, or abilities
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